I Disagree!

Feb 21, 2007 20:55

My headaches have gotten worse, which of course means that they haven't gone away yet. As far as pain goes, they're easily managable, but the hard part is that I don't suffer from headaches... ever. I'm talking like being able to count them on my fingers for the last 22 years. So the issue is that it lingers, and I don't take medication, so the lingering continues. Which is the point of lingering, I suppose. Can't fault it on that one!
I tried getting more sleep and that seemed to help, so hopefully my day off tomorrow yields some pleasant results.
Bah, my landlord just called.. which was actually good this time. Usually I'm scared to death, cause a cheque bounced or something, but he just wanted to let me know we'd be getting our new dishwasher soon, and wanted to know if we were moving out in the near future. Unfortunatly we are, but that's just the way things go.
Today at work I had the most interesting conversation with one of my coworkers, who was complaining about how through she and her husband opted not to have children of their own, they still had to pay taxes for public education. They found that unfair.
Well think about if for a minute! What do you live in, a singlistic society where nothing matters except for you and your wellbeing, or do we live in Canada, a country where theoretically we should be working side by side with out neighbours to build a better tomorrow for everybody? I think that sounds more like the Canada I'd like to live in. So put it this way: the money you spend on other people's children is educating them to be the productive members of society you count on, you build your homes, flip your burgers, heal your wounds and invent the new technologies which make your life that much more luxurious. Sure, they're just in school now, but everyone had to start somewhere. Would you deny the children of this country even more of the essential service which is their right simply because you want to spoil yourself a little more? I think our kids deserve better than that.
She immigrated from Germany. At the risk of sounding more prejudist than I should, if she doesn't like our laws, she can catch a boat to another country which better suits her needs. Because here, we don't get to decide how we live our lives, that's what a government is for. And frankly, I'm sick of people complaining about it, as if it's going to make a difference or something. Get used to someone telling you to do something you don't wanna, that's just life. Want to make a difference bad enough, you'll make a difference. That's what it comes down to.
As for her comment that in Germany, all citizens are required to pay taxes to the church, I could go either way on. It's a good notion if your country is on board with it, but in no way could you compare that with an education tax. It's a person's right to believe what he wants to believe, and if someone wants to tithe, they should have the right to just as if someone who wishes not to tithe should have a right to. That's because you're not doing it for the church, you're doing directly for God, and the blessing of it extends to the church as a result. It's where you're heart is at. I somehow don't believe that this country actually all believes that it's in their best interest to tithe, in which case they shouldn't have to, so I'm on her side on that in practice. In theory, it works, if we're all Christians.
Any time approaching an arguement, it's always best to take yourself, and how it makes you feel, out of the equation. Think about humanity as a whole, apply God's principals (which, if you understand them, make alot of sense even to a secular society), and debate from there.
Of course, that rule doesn't always stand. Sometimes, just having more information makes your side a bit stronger in the end. Such as, at work today Kris and I were debating the usefulness of Jedi's using lightsabers when a blaster would be more efficient for battle. Kind of a stupid arguement to have if you're not a nerd, but I still got the better of him in that one as well. I could go through the whole thought process, but I'm sure you're bored to the point of tears at this point already. I'll spare you any more pain.
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