
Feb 17, 2007 23:02

Frantically trying to memorize tomorrow's skit at the last minute again, I pause to clear my head a little and see where things are going.
I solved the issue of the malfuntioning car sterio duing my lunch break today, which I was pretty lucky about in the end. It took me a little over an hour, which when you get a half-hour break, makes things kind of tricky. However, nobody noticed I was gone, so I never got called on it. The problem was that the cords wernt connected professionally, it was a pretty poor wiring job before. So the guys took apart the old job and redid it nice and new, and everything works. And then they charged me an installation fee. Which I would be more unhappy about if I hadn't recieved my bonus cheque today, which more than makes up for it anyway.
I've been told that I think too much. I have to agree that people should never be left alone with their thoughts as much as I do. In the past, I ignored my inner self and acted completely on impulse, which caused some bad instances, and some interesting ones too. It was at that time, though, that I was convinced that my subconcious was out to kill me. I've probably written about that before... it's a weird feeling. Well the little guy had been laying dormant for a while, and slowly I think we've come to reach an understanding. He's got some useful insight on things, and I now see the world a little differently than I did before. Or, more accuratly, now I'm actually observing the world and the specimens within it, instead of just ignoring everything.
So what conclusions do I draw? Well that's between me, and me. I can say that I'm defenetly a little more intuitive than I was before, I can guess what an outcome to a circumstance will be before the outcome becomes clear. I'd call it 'common sense,' except I know that I don't have any of that as compaired to what most people do. Common sense doesn't nessisarilly mean that the person knows what will happen, just what the optimum outcome would be in a given situation. I think where it varies for me is that I can predict the outcome with greater accuracy.
All sounds stupid, I know. But that's what me and myself have decided, so you're outnumbered two to one. I still have a long way to go, but it's interesting how all the internal discussion has given me a new appriciation for philosophy. I've come to the point where I could see myself on the steps of a temple, battling wits with Socraties. It gives a kind of thrill to make sense of the universe, and understand why things tick.
You ever ask yourself what your destiny is? Or if dying in obscurity is no less meaningful. How much our actions leave an impression on the world after we're gone. Does saving one life and letting another die only break even, so you can never come out ahead? Or maybe a destiny can be more personal, acheaving a personal goal to which brings you satisfaction. I think I want to do something amazing, for the sake of being amazed. That to me sounds reason enough.
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