Apr 24, 2006 00:08
WEll, I was going to write about boot camp and what happened, but, I am at a COMPLETE blank as to what I should say. So, I need you to ask questions, that makes it a LOT easier for me to talk about it. So, ask questions about boot camp if ya wanna know what went down. All I have to write about is that I got bit by a Brown Recluse, and almost lost my leg. Because it gave me some disease that grew into my spine, so they had to cut it all out of my leg, which was where the dumb thing bit me. And I had to be put in a Medical Rehabilitation plattoon. It SUCKED!!!!!!!! Anyway, I have been in love with you before, and I thought, no, I KNEW that I was over you. But all it took was a phone call from San Diego the night before I flew back home to re-kindle that fire, and make it burn even hotter. . . How and why? You know who you are, I want to hear from you on this, whether here, and you coming straight out or being anonymous, or an email or something, I want to hear from you. Cuz I have more things to tell you, pretty much I am calling you out! ;)I really hope to hear from you!!!!!! SO much to tell you, so many things that may intrigue you!!!!! Man I wish I knew why I can't get you out of my head no matter what!