52 Card Pickup, Song #31: Orbs

Sep 13, 2019 00:06

LINK: davidmorrison.bandcamp.com/track/orbs

This is an odd one. I have no recollection of writing this riddle-like lyric, even though it was only 2 or 3 years ago. I think of it as an alchemist pondering the perseverance of form. The music was patched together improvisationally. It will almost certainly never be performed.


Gather 'round me to hear my song
It's the least you could do
That I've labored so long
To make such keening tones
As may echo in your bones

When the fish attains the land
When the serpent upward stands
Comes the limit, made of glass

None shall pass
None shall pass

Two orbs pulling in the sky
One orb attended by the nine

my music, 2019 - a song a week

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