Once again, the ridiculous amount of stuff I've been doing has prevented me from writing about the ridiculous amount of stuff I've been doing, leading to an internal conflict over what stuff is super important enough to actually write about (none of it), and what I should leave out (probably all of it).
So first, here's some colourful paper confetti stuff that is much more interesting than my inane ramblings.
Anyway, if you're done with that, my rambles continue below.
- Anyway, I've now moved into res for this semester and am liking what I see so far. As an upper-year transfer, res was not guaranteed for me, and I was pretty sure I was going to get screwed over and end up lurking in an alleyway. Thankfully that did not happen. Also thankfully, the people I've met here so far do not seem like crazy drunken people who will pee in tin cans and then microwave them (yes, that did in fact happen in my res last year. Yes, the microwave caught on fire and broke. Don't try it at home).
- Today was the (incredibly anticlimactic) first day of classes. Due to my transfer, I'm ahead in some areas (I've done some upper year courses other people in my program haven't) and behind in others. Microbiology was my only class today, and it's a lower-year course that didn't have an equivalent at my old University. As a result, the first 40 minutes of it were basically 'this is what it's like being in university! This is how university works!', followed by hilarious questions I'm sure I might have asked in first year but laugh at now. The best one was probably the girl next to me, who said very seriously that she did not have a lab coat, and asked if maybe she could just wear a coat instead? Like, a normal coat? That she already owned?
I die.
- In more exciting news, I am now gainfully employed, which, to be honest, I totally did not see coming, considering my resume is basically 'I worked at barns. With horses. Also, the Zoo'. However, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised, considering I am working at a barn. With horses.
I'm not very creative, okay?
- In even more exciting news, I just got a package from Amazon with the books I ordered (whoooooo!). I bought The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin, both on the recommendations of various friends. It's been awhile since I read any book for pure enjoyment (except American Gods, which I basically read daily because I love it), and I'm all a-tingle with excitement.
- I also went out and saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World the other day, and cannot say enough good things about it. It was absolutely hilarious, well written, well acted, and well made. I don't want to accidentally get into spoilers, so all I'm really going to say is GO SEE IT! TPTB don't often throw out something like this, and if it doesn't get any monetary support in theaters it'll be harder to convince them to next time. Seriously. Also, it makes fun of Toronto a lot, which everyone appreciates.....right?