Jan 19, 2004 22:11
I cOuld break this up into a few diff entries, but lets just be honest...I won't ever get to it. I gotta go back to school manana and I'm so nervous I might pop! SO. Lets try to give a quick-as-possible recap.
Good. Spent it with Dazel, her dude and her fam. Really nice feeling to spend it with a fam and exchange gifts. PLUS, I got the coolest gifts...season 1 AND 2 of Alias! HAHA Meriel!!
New Year's
Party with my baby girl. Drank. Had fun. Randomly saw people from SCPA. Had a whole lotta new year's kisses from a guy I met there. Got a couple numbas... :)
Went to Hawaii with my wonderful mother. I truely just love her so so much. Was rainy sometimes, but always warm. Went to the beach. Took a 2hr. helicopter ride over a volcano and to see impossible-to-get-to-on-foot waterfalls. I'm just so in love with waterfalls. They just have this beautiful mistique all their own.... Was a nice break from reality. Very relaxing vacation. Not at all what I was expecting...but still good.
Having awkward/weird/uncomfortable sex dreams.
Came back. Been thinking a lot about death. Realized how fucking scared shitless I am about actually being dead someday. Trying to push the thought away.....
I mean, nothin I can do about it, right?
Realized suddenly what a ridiculously bratty and rude teenager I am to my mom a lot of the time. I j ust love her so much and she does so much for me. I know I complain about her a lot, but she just makes me her priority so much of the time, and I really do appreciate it and love her for it. I really thought about it, and she really is one of my favorite people to hang out with. (or maybe that's b/c I don't have any friends? heh, j/k....)
OH! Almost forgot. I finally got my ear pierced on Sunday. Got an industrial. Kinda rattled my mom. She knew I was getting it done...but somehow didn't realize "it was going to be so big!"
HAHA! fuck yEah!
Monica, I'm sorry we never got to hang in Dec. Disappointed. Next time ur in town hopefully?
Trying to get my life pulled together. A schedule. New goals. I should have more time now for studying since I don't have a b/f which I guess is good.
I wish everyone the best.
...and Dazel, I just love you so much.