Jun 02, 2012 19:20
It is surprising how many people do not understand my life style choices. I can not get over how people care so much and have a strong opinion of my second life. They don't understand that I do not want to just have sex. Having many sexual partners is more accepted than having none. Why is it? They try to talk me into just having sex with random people and getting it over. I do not want to get it over. I don't judge others for their sex lives, so why do they judge me? They tell me I am making too big a deal out of sex and it is nothing. I do not complain about it at all, I do not really even bring up having sex. If it is not a big deal why do people get so passionate about telling me what I am missing and how I just need to do it. I and not one to give into peer pressure and I am sure as he'll not going to have sex because ignorant people fail to take in to account that I don't want anyone and don't want to be intimate with anyone at all.