Book Meme

Dec 16, 2005 21:30

Some book facts about me. Inspired by chelsearoad.

- I loved looking through artbooks when I was about 3 or 4 years old. We had many of them and I enjoyed looking at the pictures of pharaos or Roman emperors. One picture of a Greek theatre mask gave me nightmares, though.

- Even before I could read I took books from all over our house and brought them into my room where I hid them in the blanket cave I had built. Then I just looked through the books. Totally didn't care that there were no pictures inside.

- When my parents occasionally left me alone in the evening, they left lots of books next to my bed. When I woke up and they weren't home yet, I just started to read.

- I could read after only a couple of lessons in our school. As soon as I'd figured it out, I read through the entire school book - and was bored in German lessons for the rest of the year. I'm still wondering: Couldn't the teacher have given me something else to read?! Instead I had to pretend to pay attention. Gah. So many years later, I can feel the irritation of boredom.

- Some people only read books once, I don't. In fact, I can read my favorites again and again and again.

- If the books belong to me, I'm not a careful reader. I.e. you will see that I've read a book. :-) I don't mind the slighly used look though. Makes my books feel more comfortable.

- I read lots of old books from very early on. I.e. books around 100 years old that were printed in a different script, too. This gave me a huge, but sometimes antique vocabulary. And I *loved* using all these strange fancy words. :-) Because of this my first teacher at school thought my grandparents were helping me with my homework. Especially when I signed a letter we had to write as homework with the words "Untertänigst". (Could be translated as something like "Your most obedient servant".) But "Mit freundlichen Grüssen" ("Sincerly") was just so ... boring.

- I always have at least one book with me wherever I go. More often I have two along. Which is why I can never do with tiny handbags.

- When I read, I zone out. Sometimes my boyfriend talks to me and it takes me minutes to realise he's talking. I usually tune in when he says: "But here I talk and talk and talk. And you're not listening in the slightest. I just said a volcano erupted in our garden, but did you listen? No." Poor dear. What did he expect...

- My friends and I used to mockingly act out bad romance novels. One of us read aloud, the other two tried to perform the story. We usually erupted in giggles very soon. Have you ever tried to play a heroine with a "heaving bossom"? It's hard I tell you! (Our favorite bad book was "Wild Rose of Louisiana". The heroine even gets amnesia in this one - by the most unrealistic means, too. :-)))

- I didn't like cartoons that were based on books as a kid. They were always bad compared to the book, IMO. "Heidi", "Pinocchio", "Nils Holgerson", "The Jungle Book" - loved the books, hated the cartoons.


- I can cry buckets over books. The first time, this happened to me as far as I remember was when Winnetou dies. (He's the noble Indian in a series by Karl May, an author unknown outside of Germany, I think. When a book ends and I was attached to the characters, I always get sad. Then I start reading my favorite bits all over again.

- I sometimes make lists in my head regarding which books I would take if a catastrophe of some kind happened. I'd always pack one tarot deck, one novel and one book with poems or a play. Something that you can learn by heart which helps to pass the time and lets you escape reality.

- On Buffy & Angel, I not only worry about the characters, but also about the books. What happened to the books in the school library when the high school is destroyed? What happened to the books in Angel's place when it's blown up? Not knowing bothers me.

- When I go to a foreign town, I always visits several bookshops. I usually do some research beforehand on the internet to discover the most interesting bookstores.

- Usually, I buy at least one book when I'm at an airport. I try to find something by a local author.

- When I studied in London for a year, I came back with four big suitcases full of books. It was the time before amazon, so to get English books you had to order them from special bookstores and then wait for weeks. Small wonder I couldn't resist buying so many.

books, meme, private_life

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