Buffy - Season 4 impressions (episode 4)

Nov 12, 2005 12:52

Fear, Itself

A summary of the episode can be found here or here.

Poor Buffy: She's still pining over Parker even though he isn't worth it. Well, I guess it's easier for her to pine after Parker than admit that she misses Angel terribly.

Giles: His sombrero makes him look like a giant lampshade. Not really his best look, but very funny.
He also has this very cool scene when he's allowed to wield a chainsaw. (Personally, I wouldn't enter a haunted house with a chainsaw, because of the massacre risk, but to each their own. :-))

Xander: He's very touchy after Willow and Buffy have gone to college and he hasn't. He is afraid that he isn't cool enough for them any longer and will lose their friendship.
Comments like this don't really help:
Anya: “I don’t understand.”
Xander: “Well, every October 31st, we mortals dress up in masks...”
Anya: “No, no, I understand that inane ritual. It’s those people. You continue to associate with them though you share little in common.”
Xander: “What are you talking about?”
Anya: “I mean they go to college, you don’t. They no longer live at home, - you do.”
Xander: “Oh, hey, those things... The bonds of true friendship transcends... Could we just change the subject?”
Anya: “Okay, okay. Don’t get upset with me. I just wondered.”

I like that past events are not forgotten. When Joyce speaks to Buffy about the difficulty of opening up to new relationships after a failed relationship, she mentions Ted, her homicidal robot boyfriend.

The costumes are all good:
Xander is dressing as James Bond just in case there's a repeat of last year's halloween, Willow and Oz are a treat as Joan D'Arc and God. And of course, we get Anya as a big fluffy bunny. :-)

Anya is terrifyingly blunt, but her love for Xander is real. If the world fell to pieces, she wouldn't care - but she does care for Xander. Her first thought when she realises something is shifty at the Halloween party place is "Xander!!".

This episode isn't scary when we see spiders, bats or corpses - it's creepy when we just get led around the house and see everyone trapped in their worst fears:
- Xander is afraid of not being noticed by his friends any longer.
- Buffy is afraid of not being able to help others and also of being abandoned by her friends in the end.
- Oz is afraid of turning into a werewolf or at least of not being able to control his transformation.
- Willow is afraid of being incompetent.

The episode has a nice punch-line: The fear demon is tiny - and actually he doesn't do all that much. The fear of something is usually much more terrifying than the actual thing.
Giles: “Oh, bloody hell. The inscription!”
Buffy: “What’s the matter?”
Giles comes over to show her the book: “I should have translated the Gaelic inscription under the illustration of Gachnar.”
Buffy looks at it: “What’s it say?”
Giles: “Actual size.”

I wonder though if the guy who fell down the stairs really broke his neck.


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