Better Than Myers-Briggs Test

Aug 26, 2005 18:52

Test gagged from andromakhe:

You scored 59% self-confidence, 27% spontaneity, 75% symbolic-ness, and 65% orbigidity!

The Asset to the Team

You are: Confident/Structured/Symbolic/Orbigid

The test tracks 4 variables, which are as follows:

Insecurity v. Self-Confidence (the social sphere)
Spontaneity v. Structuredness (daily life)
Symbolic-ness v. Literal-ness (way of looking at stuff and, particularly, expressing oneself)
Orbigidity v. Banaciousness (another way of looking at...looking at stuff)

Most of those are pretty straightforward, I think, except the last. I couldn't find the perfect words to describe what I was trying to measure with that variable (my good friend was of no help), so I decided to make up new words because I am better than the English language. Basically, orbigidity is the tendency to look closely at everything, to make sure things are thorough, to investigate and often over-analyze people and situations; banaciousness, which we shall call the opposite of orbigidity, is a carefree acceptance of most things without meticulous examination. If, for example, you'd spend hours writing an OKCupid test only to spend more hours going back and checking for typos or any other possible reason the test-takers might think you are stupid or pretentious, then you are probably more orbigid than banacious.

Yep. So thanks for taking my test and stuff.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 70% on self-confidence

You scored higher than 0% on spontaneity

You scored higher than 99% on symbolic-ness

You scored higher than 70% on orbigidity
Link: The Better Than Myers-Briggs Test written by foreignlump on Ok Cupid


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