The City

Aug 03, 2010 22:14

◣ The City ◢

Hello dear foreigner to Vatheon! We welcome you humbly to your brand new home.
Take a look around, it seems you're stuck here underwater but do not fret! The great Lamufao
is taking good care of all of us here, making sure we stay safe and happy!
Grab a towel, dry yourself off, and welcome home!

→ City

The city itself is shaped like a circle with a dome overhead to keep the water out. There are three tiers of the city, the highest (and most north) point being the upper district where the church is. Please, do not enter the church at any time. The middle district is the second tier where most shops, restaurants, theaters and even more are. It is the most bustling place in the city and has less housing than the lower district which is the third, most south, and final tier in Vatheon. The lower district has most housing ready for the taking. There are also a few hotels located around it, if one doesn't want the messiness of having their own home.

Each tier has man-made streams running through them, along with a few coral and trees lining the streets. The tiers are connected by staircases (do not fret, there is assistance for handicapped people) and you will notice that most buildings around Vatheon are made of bluish colored stone and brick. It's a special Vatheon only building material so please, if you ever need new housing or want to open a shop just contact Brad. He'll be happy to help you.

→ The Middle District
This is where you'll find locations in the city and a list of businesses too. Any new location in Vatheon will be added here as time passes!

→ Plaza

Most foreigners when arriving in Vatheon, will arrive in the plaza. It's a small circle of shops, restaurants and market stalls with a few fountains and right in the middle is the great Lamufao. It glows blue and whenever you're feeling tired or weak -- just touch it to revive yourself!

The Lamufao is not just 'great' in name. The large coral spreads throughout the plaza, the biggest cluster of it being smack dab in the middle. Long tendrils of the coral spread throughout the plaza, creating pathways and even small flower gardens around the plaza. It only raises to three and half or four feet high at most and is very careful to not disrupt walking areas, having curved the right way to not make anyone trip. After all, the Lamufao is very protective of it's citizens.

The roads here are all paved with cobblestones and lots of small cafes take up the area with a few clothing shops and one drugstore for anyone who arrives injured. All shops, market stalls, restaurants, and anything else are equipped with lots of towels for newcomers!

There are four roads splitting off the Plaza. North, south, east, and west. The north road will take you to the stairs leading to the upper district, while the south will lead you to the lower district. The east and west roads lead you to other places in the middle district (east for the park and west for the library).

→ Park

Following the east road from the Plaza, you will soon come across a large park. It's filled with trees and small grass covered areas, with a few paths cutting through, the largest one going from the north end of the park to the south end of the park, the second largest going east to west, just like the Plaza. There is a large pond with a bridge crossing over it in the middle of the park, with a few species of fish swimming around in it. There are also ducks, so do have fun feeding them!

On the north end of the park, there is a small field, ready for anyone who wishes to spar, play some sports, or just sunbathe. Then, towards the south, there is a small grove of apple trees, if you would like to have fresh apples. Our gardener is happy to share his crops. Speaking of the gardener, this is a large greenhouse in the park for anyone who wishes to breathe in the plantlife.

→ Library

And towards the west from the Plaza is the Grand Library, a large building with marble steps leading up to the also large front doors. There are a few pillars on the stairs also. The library is open 24/7 to whoever wishes to indulge themselves in fantasy for the ages. There is a librarian on staff but she is always looking for new people to help her organize the large collection of books, so please don't be scared to ask her if you'd like to work there.

→ Casino

Going farther south from the Plaza, one will come across a five story high building with tinted windows and blue lights decorating it. It's rather flashy compared to the rest of the city but seems to blend in well nevertheless. There's a sign hanging above the entrance, though the language is a Vatheon-only language, but it basically reads "Casino" for whoever would like to know.

Inside you will find regular casino games, an indoor swimming pool, and a very high class atmosphere. There's even a nightclub on the third floor for whoever wishes to partake in dancing. Residential suites are available, please contact Divitiae if you'd like to rent one.

→ Medical Clinic

Run by the town doctor, Alpha, and situated near the park, there is a clinic for whoever needs their wounds attended too. It's a clean and hospitable place, perfect for anyone who needs to feel better. Please do not bother the head doctor, as he is a very busy man.

Employees: xblood-lusting

→ Gymnasium

The locals have set up a gym for the foreigners which is situated on the road from the Plaza to the park. Here you will find a spa, a juice bar, and other things like a boxing ring. It's the perfect place to come work out or relax -- healthily!

Employees: Now Hiring

→ Restaurants/Shops

VICTORI GARDEN; Nestled near the Plaza is a quaint coffee and pastry shop run by one of the Vatheon residents. Of course, she is seeking aid, considering she also runs a few other shops in the city. She's looking for someone to run the shop, as well as waiters, waitresses, baristas, and so on.

Employees: jacks-ganymede and prominence_glow

CUTIE BOUTIQUE; As the name dictates, it's a clothing store, owned by the Casino creator herself, Divitae. She isn't in much, so is looking for someone to help run the place along with a few people to work also.

Employees: NOW HIRING!

COZI CORNER; An upbeat restaurant serving several dishes of different cultures. Looking for a good Italian meal? It'd be found here. Looking for a great Thai dish? You'd find that here, too! Just pop on by if you'd like to a good meal!

Employees: kingofsweets

BIKEULATION; A new store that's opened up with the increase of foreigners. They sell all kinds of bikes here and have lessons every Saturday. Along with the new shop, bike stands have popped up throughout the city to chain your bike to. The owner is an old man named Mister Kings.

Employees: duncansdontsing

→ Foreigner Owned Places

If you ever want to open a shop or anything just contact Brad (i.e. comment this entry) and he'll make sure to set you up with a building and supplies!


A committee established by pristinestar focused on informing newcomers about what happened to them and helping them settle down. The committee's base of operations is currently in a one-story building located at the plaza. They have chosen this area because it is where newcomers usually first arrive in.

Somewhere at the plaza, this sign is definitely standing out. The committee hands out "Welcome Baskets," which includes this brochure containing basic information about Vatheon. They are always open in recruiting more Greeters.

Inside of the office, it's rather plain and cozy. It feels like someone's living room! There's a front desk area when you first enter. Further in, there's a warm and cozy room with a couple of couches, bean bag chairs, and a tea table. There is another room connected to that, but it's mostly just a small kitchen. Hey, it's necessary!

Employees: lunateclock (President), kagayakashi, wavesoakedlegs, dualpinkpistols, vimyridge, busagi, dystopiadreams and xlillackeykitty.


It's a one-story building located in the Middle District, and looks discreet enough, if it wasn't for the sign. In feminine, purple lettering is a sign that reads: Angel Feather.

Inside the store are racks upon racks of various outfits for men and women of various sizes, not to mention stylish accessories and shoes. However, what's different is that they're all in Gothic lolita style. Some are more revealing than others, and some will accentuate a person's sexiness or cuteness. There are yukatas, maid outfits, butler outfits, and others. Even suits and dresses can be found here. If someone's between sizes, the owner is more than willing to tailor the clothing in question to fit.

Tucked away in a small corner are some sketchbooks, notebooks, pens, erasers, colored pencils, pencils, and some calligraphy kits. Just for those who want a taste of art.

Employees: oh_neku_dear


Located in the Middle District, close to where it borders with the lower district, is a small, one-story building. It has a few potted plants growing outside beside the door as decoration, along with a doormat, giving it a bit of a homely touch.

Upon entering, there are chairs in the left corner, seated by a table topped with a tidy stack of magazines-mostly beauty magazines, but there are a few miscellaneous ones in there too. The right wall is lined with counters and mirrors, chairs sitting in front of them. Along the back wall and half the left are shelves, holding beauty products used and mannequin heads of example hairstyles. Again, there are a few plant decorations here and there, mostly on the left side of the building.

There's also a door at the back, though it simply leads to the closet.

Employees: aimforthesun


This design was based of The Palace of Versailles in France, built by Louis XIV. Louis XIV was also known as the the Sun King. Though the style of this palace lies in the Baroque, the Host Club building contains elements from the Baroque and Rococo periods. Click for details.

Employees; theshadowbehind


Tired of the same old food you always eat? Want something new to try, but aren't sure what? Then this is the restaurant for you. Not only is there a little bit of everything on its menu, but it features two very special attractions. One is a "New Request" feature-- if you don't see what you want on the menu, simply ask for something different, and our chef will make it for you. The other is the "Challenge the Cook" feature. On the side of the building, there is a large window with a bell. Ring it, and come up to the window with a set of ingredients and challenge the resident chef to make something with it! If he doesn't have enough to make something edible, he will use whatever he has in addition to what you give him-- but otherwise, he'll try and make something delicious with only what you bring. A delightful challenge for all Vatheonites!

The shop itself, its exterior and interior and floorplans, can be found in this post.

Employees; toomanypetals and crownedwalker


Looking for a special or traditional dessert after dinner or a cool treat after a long, warm day? Then this little one-floor shop is for you. Located near the Cozi Corner, this little shop can service any of your frozen dairy treat needs! From the classic vanilla to the crazy concoctions found in Disney Town such as Royalberry and Goofy Parfait, you can most likely find it here.

Employees; wayward-faith and thehawks_eye


Wedged within a corner of the Middle District is a small building, not bigger than the average apartment. Upon entry, one can see tables covered in various cables, monitors, and computer parts, with a desk in the back where the owner of the shop sits.

If you are having problems with your computer or SFC, bring it here and get it fixed for a modest fee. The owner can also access programs, create code, or decipher coded messages, among other things. And if you just want to find out what exactly a computer is, the owner will be glad to help you with that too.

Employees; theothersissel


A small clinic in the middle district, containing a waiting room and reception area. There are three rooms for receiving patients, and one room for overnight stay should it be needed. This room contains three beds. Most health concerns can be addressed.

Employees; happyhesurvived


A small shop located in the Middle District was once abandoned until Mion Sonozaki got her hands on it. Now it's cleaned up with 'GAMER'S CHOICE' plastered above it in bold red letters. The inside contains several shelves that are filled with various board and card games. Party games, strategy games, trivia games, this store has it all.

The back room has a few tables, chairs, and a closet filled with different costumes, props, and accessories. This area is off limits to anyone not in Mion's game club.

Employees; demon_heir

→ The Lower District

→ Housing

The lower district is where one can find most housing. A list of houses and residents can be found on a bulletin board in the plaza or on your SFC. It will automatically change once you have claimed your own housing.

→ Quadrants
As of 10/06/10 different bubbles -- wings -- quadrants of the city have appeared. After a bit of going back and forth between the locals of Vatheon,
they have decided to name them Quadrants. Do enjoy the features provided by them all!

→ North-East Quadrant

The first of the quadrants to appear, this is often simple called "the Forest" because that, is what it is. A large lake is in the middle of the entire quadrant, with the rest of the place being filled with dense forest, making it the perfect atmosphere for whoever felt deprived of nature while living underwater. Animals native to forests can be found here, such as deer, squirrels, birds, snakes, and so on and so forth.

→ South-West Quadrant

After a series of unfortunate events, a new section opened up in Vatheon. Like the first, just diagonally across from it in the lower district is an almost deserted, dreary looking area where smack dab in the middle is quite a large pirate ship almost half buried in the ship. If that wasn't enough, pirate ghosts linger about the area, ready to talk the head off or steal something from anyone who comes across them. The ship seems deserted enough but when one enters, the scene changes immensely, stranding them in a labyrinth like pirate ship with many turns, traps, and puzzles to face. Nothing deadly as before but instead, more of an agility course.

→ North-West Quadrant


→ Miscellaneous

→ New Idea?

Like said above, if you want to add your character's own restaurant or shop or whathaveyou, just comment this entry below with a description of the place and where it's located. Places are not limited only to the middle district! If your character decides to open and shop in the lower district, just comment here with the description and it'll be added as soon as possible! Housing and residency will be found here though!

Last updated: 08 / 22 / 11


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