
Dec 31, 2009 18:27


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Shawn ♈ 7 WAS THIS LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU ROTFLMAO laenavesse February 1 2010, 10:24:02 UTC
[ Sample ] :
I must be dreaming. Or hallucinating. Preferably the former. It must have been that horrible, horrible upside down pineapple cake I had last night. I thought for sure that new Easy Bake oven would do better than the last one. But that doesn't explain why I'm soaking wet, and I'm sure I didn't fall asleep in the shower.

But really, what is this place? It's like Water World, only with less post-apocalyptic overtones and more Little Mermaid and Atlantis. And now I'm getting hungry for sushi. Thanks. Thanks a lot whoever dragged me here! You could have at least left me a towel or something!

[and there will be strange orb floating around him] And what is this...thing that keeps buzzing around my face? [staaaare and trying for a poke, but it flies off to the other side of his head] ...Huh, it's like a shiny, orb of light. Or a floating, white puff ball. Weird.

[oh hey, people! will be venturing] Hey could you tell me where I am? Maybe an aquarium or a really awesome water park that Sea World should check out because this just blows them out of the water. Also, a towel would be nice, preferably one of soft, downy cotton with a sweet, but not strong, fragrance. A change of clothes would be nice, too. [but they're not answering and instead are just. smiling. at him. ...] Okay, that is creepy--[and hey he got what he asked for. the towel even had a pineapple on it]--and that was fast.

[will be sidling away from them right about now, taking a really good look at his surroundings: strange buildings that was obviously made of coral, water all around him, no lack of fish. yet he was breathing and moving as if he were on land, and that was really confusing him. so as much as he doesn't really want to, he tries and asks one of the people. when he's told there's a bubble barrier, he makes a face]

Great, so I'm in some kind of watery world snow globe thing? Really? It couldn't have been some kind of tropical paradise beach with palm trees and beach babes? [pause] Bubbles are also bit unorthodox, but it does add a nice touch, I'll give you that. I'd like to see the bubble machine for that. Would be great for parties.

[sighs and looks at the floating orb] Toto, looks like we're not in Santa Barbara anymore. [yes, he will be calling it Toto from now on.]

But hey, if this really is some kind of water world thing, maybe they have some dolphins I could ride. I may have been thwarted twice, but not this time!

Now if only Gus were here. How else am I supposed to get pictures?

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :
Why am I doing this. WHY AM I DOING THIS. DAMN YOU KAT. DAMN YOU. You just had to app Lassie first didn't you. And if only I was sure Shawn played Zelda, I totally could have made him do a Navi reference /sob.


Though on a more serious note that I probably should ask on the FAQs page or something but I'm lazy, I understand there's like a network but what do the characters use to access them? o.o? Did I like...COMPLETELY MISS THIS XDa; /read everything like five times x_x; So are there like computers and stuff? Also, if so, does that mean electricity works here?


laenavesse February 1 2010, 21:57:56 UTC
I see what you did there on the in-game facts thing--but it answers questions thanks~


ozgasmic February 1 2010, 22:18:01 UTC
You brought up a very valid point I forgot to address |D


ACCEPTED thalassino February 10 2010, 04:35:08 UTC
Congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Vatheon.

Now that you're in the game, please follow the next few house-keeping steps.
☆ Comment here on the Taken Characters post.
☆ Join both vatheon and vatheon_ooc with your character journal.
☆ Add your information here at the Player Contact page.
☆ Reread the rules and premise for a refresher.
☆ Introduce yourself over at vatheon_ooc

Game Open is Feb 12th at MIDNIGHT EST

If you have any further questions or comments, please head over to the f.a.q.
Congratulations again, and we hope you enjoy the swim!


Re: ACCEPTED pineapplepsych February 10 2010, 04:37:24 UTC
ILU KAT <333333


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