And the next clutch is done...

Jul 23, 2012 21:02

Story Snippets- Clutch 2

Author: Thalanee

Verse: various

Word Count: 1500 words

Rating: pg-13

Warnings: there be crack here, matey…

Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me, I’m only playing with them.

Summary: And here’s the next clutch of little stories, all of them JazzxProwl

Author’s Notes: That was fast, I know. Let’s hope it’s a sign of good things to come ;P


51: Battlelines (suggested by Kidara)

“You have to do something Optimus!“ Ironhide demanded, walking right at Optimus’ side. The black warrior was visibly shaken by what was transpiring.

“And what do you suggest I do, Ironhide?” the Prime retorted mildly, then unable resist added somewhat mischievously, “should I send you to separate the two lovebirds?”

Shifting with discomfort at the suggestion he nevertheless continued. “They’re taking it too far. I know we’re in a war, but some things just ain’t right.”

“I reiterate, what am I to do about this? I’ve already tried everything short of ordering them to stop and we both know what would happen if I tried to do that, don’t we.” Shuddering at the mere memory of what the two black and whites had done the last time he had interfered in one of their more lively… disagreements Optimus shook his head. “No, my friend, we’ll just cross our fingers and get through it with as few casualties as we can.”

During their conversation they had finally arrived at the doors to the rec room, both pausing an strapping some more imaginary steel to their spines they nodded at each other and then went in at the same time. What they saw when they entered made them recoil.

Obviously Prowl and Jazz were still, well there was no other expression for it, at war with each other. You had to hand it to the monochrome couple, when they argued, the results of those arguments tended to be nothing short of impressive. Combining Jazz’s creativity and Prowl’s ingenuity with the fact that the two were quite possibly the most stubborn beings ever to grace the surface of both Cybertron and Earth, it was almost guaranteed that the arguments themselves were equally spectacular.

So in truth neither Optimus nor Ironhide, both having witnessed their fair share of spats, should have been surprised to see that the loving couple had transformed the rec room into a literal war zone, each of them having built their own fortress out of chairs and tables, and… was that Sideswipe trussed up as part of Prowl’s fortifications? And Cliffjumper the same on Jazz’s side of the room?!

“Oh, friggin’ Primus on a ruststick, they even drew battle lines on the floor!” Ironhide groaned.

“Are ya here ta join?” Jazz suddenly called out to the two of them.

Before either of them could answer, Prowl interjected. “Shall I take your request for assistance as an indication of your wish to surrender and admit that I was right, Jazz?”

“Only in ya dreams,” Jazz shot back, taking the opportunity to chuck an energon cube in the direction of his lover’s voice, “I was just about ta tell them ta get out o’our way.”

“In that we agree at least.” Standing on top of his battlements, Prowl directed a Look at the two intruders.

Ever the optimist, the Prime hesitantly raised his hand to speak, as if he were in class. “Does this tentative agreement mean the two of you would be willing to negotiate for a cease-fire?” The twin filthy looks that question earned him would have had lesser mechs on their knees begging for mercy. “Right, we’ll just leave you to… whatever this is. One thing though, could I have Sideswipe and Cliffjumper back, please? They are supposed to be on patrol.”

Jazz and Prowl shared a look then freed the two unlucky mechs who promptly ran to their Prime and proceeded to hug the life out of his legs with sheer gratitude as soon as the rec room doors were closed.

Ironhide let out a huff. “So what are we gonna do now?”

“What I proposed from the beginning: leave the two alone to fight this out. Until the two have made up, the rec room is off limits.”

“That’s prolly for the best. Let’s hope they won’t take long…”

At the same time in the rec room…

“Think we’ll have our peace now?” Jazz grinned roguishly, holding out his arms for Prowl.

“I highly doubt we will be disturbed from now on.” Prowl answered, a twinkle in his optics as he eagerly stepped into his mate’s embrace.

“Good, ‘cause now that we finally have some alone time, I have a mate who needs some lovin’!” The saboteur leaned in to kiss Prowl.

“Who am I to argue?” Prowl murmured. And those were the last words spoke for quite some time…

7: Be (continuation of Pawn)

He couldn’t move, couldn’t even twitch a doorwing, as his inert body was dragged closer to the smelting pits. After letting the intruder escape, his makers had decided that he was flawed, a failure that needed to be eliminated for the good of the program. They would need to start again. So he had been scheduled to be “recycled”.

Prowl knew what it meant, he had known from the beginning that this would be his reward should he show signs of becoming too independent, too alive. He had not been created to be alive, to be a mech, but a better drone.

He didn’t know what he was, but as he was dragged closer to the pits, felt their heat on his armour and protoform, he realized he would give anything for the chance to just be.

1: Regeneration (Movieverse)

“How long do you think it will take, Ratchet?” the Prime asked, his gaze fixed on the weak and damaged spark floating in the tank.

“I don’t know,” Ratchet admitted, “truth be told we are extraordinarily lucky, there was enough of Jazz’s spark left to try and regenerate. By all rights he should have extinguished, and to be precise, for a few moments, he actually was. At least he’s out of danger of deactivation now.”

“I am aware of that, but you know why I need to ask.” At the reminder for their apprehension both sobered immediately. Out of a combination of the Prime’s Gift, Ratchet’s skills, the Allspark shard and sheer dumb luck they had managed to save Jazz’s spark, even though it had actually extinguished for a few moments… but those moments might have been enough to do horrible damage.

Because Jazz was bonded.

And his bonded would have felt that temporary death, would have felt the bond dissolving into nothingness. The question was had he also felt his bonded’s spark regenerate?

They all knew what would be the inevitable outcome if the answer was “no”. No bonded couple survived the death of one of them. The other would inevitably follow.

“I guess it’s a matter of waiting and hoping for the best,” Ratchet said quietly, as both of them watched that spark grow stronger with every pulse.

Ratchet was right, Optimus thought. They would have to hope. Hope that Prowl’s stubbornness would let the mech hold on long enough to get to Earth, hope that his sense of duty would lead him there to see Optimus before he offlined.

Hope that Prowl would still be here, when Jazz, back in his body, would finally wake up.

25: Hi-jack

Version 1:

Ignoring the vicious snarls and curses of the black and white mech currently slung over his shoulder, Jazz grinned happily at the prospect of being able to spend several weeks alone with his mate on a tropical island, with no humans or Decepticons or even Autobots to disturb them.

And Jazz had put a lot of effort into planning that perfect vacation, from picking out the time and location, to organizing their trips to and from the island, getting the supplies there, acquiring the blackmail material needed to make sure that Optimus signed off the vacation for Prowl (despite knowing what the black and white would probably do to him for separating the tactician from his beloved work), that Red Alert wouldn’t dare call them and that neither the minor nor the major twins would even think of doing anything that would prompt the officers to look to his mate for help.

The two of them deserved their holiday and no one would stand in the way of Jazz’s plans. He was determined to make his efforts count.

And if that meant that he got to hi-jack his own mate away from his work, who was Jazz to argue?

Version 2 (Things We Do For Love-verse):

Ignoring the vicious snarls and curses of the black and white mech currently slung over his shoulder, Jazz grinned happily.

If Prowl was too caught up in the la-la-land of denial it would be up to the saboteur to convince him that they were meant to be, even if he had to hi-jack the poor mech in front of all his colleagues.

After all having a whole precinct’s worth of enforcers chasing after him should convince the doorwinger that Jazz meant exactly what he said when he called Prowl his greatest treasure.


That was clutch number two, number three is already in the works, and some of those snippets are begging to be allowed to grow into real stories. What do you think?

jazzxprowl, story snippets, transformers fanfiction, pg-13, au, humor, multi-chapter

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