Hi! I'm Still Alive

Jul 22, 2012 14:59

Story Snippets

Author: Thalanee

Verse: Various (some official verses, some alternate)

Word Count:

Rating: mostly pg-13

Warnings: mechxmech, some crack (so no eating or drinking while reading this for the sake of your poor keyboard and screen)

Disclaimer: Transformers don’t belong to me, I’ve only borrowed them.

Summary: A collection of story snippets, some from stories I’ve written before, some stand alone, all inspired by one randomly chosen word. Mostly JazzxProwl.

Author’s Notes: I know I haven’t written anything in a long time now, but I haven’t given up on my stories I will continue them. Real life was very hard for the last months though… one beloved person died suddenly, while another beloved person violated my trust. All this kind of sapped my writing spirits. These little stories are an attempt to get back into the flow of writing. They’re also a challenge you can take part in: send me one word and I’ll try to come up with something. It may be a snippet, it may be a drabble or even a oneshot, but I’ll try to write something. Here’s a list of the words I got so far:

  1. Regeneration
  2. Mid-term
  3. Insult
  4. Frost-bite
  5. Denial
  6. Convict
  7. Be
  8. Action
  9. Thrive
  10. Skip
  11. Weekly
  12. Upturned
  13. Escalate
  14. Optimum
  15. Commodore
  16. Think
  17. Spit
  18. Pawn
  19. Little
  20. Osmosis
  21. Cost
  22. Infertile
  23. Dive
  24. Good-looking
  25. Hi-jack
  26. Leave
  27. Bob
  28. Chin
  29. Self-abasement
  30. Supper
  31. Undesirable
  32. Vent
  33. Wild-goose chase
  34. Yet
  35. Zero
  36. Excess
  37. Disintegration
  38. Care
  39. Blues
  40. Air force
  41. Organization
  42. Hill
  43. Poker
  44. Stride
  45. Pleasure
  46. Zoom
  47. Grateful
  48. Defeat
  49. Wacky
  50. Wave

And here some of the first snippets:

18: Pawn (one of my own barely developed alternate universes)

He had done the unthinkable: he had refused to follow a direct order from one of his makers and as a result the unknown silver infiltrator had escaped with whatever data he had managed to steal. His makers had created him to be their perfect tool, to obey without question at all times. They owned his frame, they owned his processors, they could even take his spark, if they so wished. No one would stop them, and he himself couldn’t. A word from one of them, a gesture and they could take away everything. He knew it perfectly well, and yet, when he had been ordered to shoot the saboteur, for the first time he had refused.

Prowl would be their pawn no longer.

Even if it meant death.

8: Action (humanized transformers)

Some days he could deal with a little less action, detective Alexander Powell, aka Prowl, idly mused while he threw a glance at the entropy that was their station during Halloween, especially when the drunken “werewolf” he’d arrested, wriggled out of his grasp to perch on one of the desk and howl at the moon. Suppressing a sigh, Prowl grabbed his elusive quarry to try and get him settled into one of the drying-out cells.

Just another day at work…

10: Skip (G1)

“Aren’t you going a little over the top with this?” Prowl asked, careful not to loose his hold on their rather heavy burden.

Ratchet snorted. “He brought this on himself. Of all bots on the Ark he should have know better. Besides if he doesn’t come to see me, he knows I’ll come and get him.”

“I agree to the principle of the thing, but hunting Optimus down, stunning him from behind with a wrench and dragging him to your medbay by his pedes seems a little excessive.” Renewing his hold on one of said peds, Prowl threw a glance behind them. By now they had attracted a trail of innocent bystanders, who just had to be in the hallways right at that moment. A couple of breems later the whole base would know that the SIC and the CMO were seen dragging their unconscious Prime through half the base.

Ratchet just grinned. “That will teach him not to skip a maintenance exam again!”

48: Defeat (Movieverse)

When he finally gave in to Jazz’s persistent and never ending attempts to get him to go out on a date with the saboteur, Prowl had to admit that he didn’t really mind to be defeated in this particular battle.

So, what do you think? Reviews are greatly appreciated! ^^

jazzxprowl, story snippets, transformers fanfiction, pg-13, multi-chapter

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