It is done.

Sep 08, 2009 21:14

Title: Come Hel or High Water
Genre: Tragedy/Adventure
Characters: Mostly OC's, all Norse demigods
Rating: T - for violence, language, and some stuff at the end that would be spoilers.
Word Count: 40, 446
Summary: The dead know everything. But for Mallory Moore at least, they don't give a damn. And there's nothing a motherless, feared, and apparently half-immortal teenage girl can do about it.

[the minor fall, the major lift]

This fic was started almost a year ago, in December of '08. It's almost that time of year again, and the fic is finally complete.

It tells the story of Mallory Moore, a teenage girl who's blatantly normal in every respect, if you ignore her unintended "Fear Me" aura. It also tells the story of Warren Tyrsson, who actually has to save her life a time or two because Mallory's just that unlucky.

I'm very proud of it. I came up with most of the canon off the top of my head to make it work around Norse mythology, yet it still clings to the Percy Jackson fandom.

It will be part of a five-fic series entitled the Secret Chord series, named after the song Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright. The song functions as sort of an general theme song for the series.

I'm glad it's over. I loved writing it, and I want to enjoy writing the sequel just as much, if not more.

my life it is complete, fanfic, chow, chohw, celebration tiemz, pjato, come hel or high water, writing, happy happy happy, secret chord

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