It's 1:35. I'm nowhere near halfway done with this paper. I don't know what the heck's wrong with me this semester but I don't like it! All I do is sabotage myself by never doing my work on time or well, and no matter how furious I get with myself for doing that, I continue to do it. Ugh. >.<
I just hate literary criticism. Man, if I'd wanted that, I'd've been an English major! *sigh* this summer is going to involve some serious reconsiderations about my future life. I just don't know if I can keep up with classics for the rest if college. Honestly, neither Latin nor Greek is bringing me any kind of joy at the moment. I feel like such a failure.
I'm going to try to stay somewhat hopeful about this paper still. I mean, I have a decent track record with this sort of thing. It still sucks, though. All I want to do is cuddle up with my kitten and blankets and pillows and go to sleep. Ugh.
And now, after a 13-minute rant, I bid you good-bye for now. If I don't come back, you can assume I died from embarrassment when I handed in my paper.
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