Returning to productive life. Sort of.

Mar 03, 2012 01:21

Oy. Well, I went to the shabbat, which was nice. If they had ceremonious prayers, I missed them :( I also had to leave before the proper "interfaith" discussion because it was starting really late and =/ yeah. But I did actually get some work-work done tonight, which I'd let go for even longer than I'd realized >.< But I'm glad I got some done. I need to get back in that habit. Now if I could just figure out how not to set myself up for destruction in Greek class... *sigh*

This weekend... One of my friends got married recently (!!!) and wants to go out for dinner to celebrate tomorrow, which would be great except people want to get birthday dinners on Sunday and the MA SCL certamen is tomorrow, and I have a Latin paper due on Tuesday, which I've only sort of started, so I'm quite conflicted. >.< ugh.

Ok. Time to read Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy til I fall asleep (soon, I hope).


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wedding, stress, school, books, work, certamen, scl, busy, friends

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