Unproductive Sarah is unproductive

Mar 01, 2012 02:31

I'm exhausted. I haven't done enough work. I'm going to bed anyway. Dominique and I had a lovely but long heart-to-heart-ish thing and I enjoyed it.

Newton, if you're reading this, I'm glad we talked tonight. We should do so more often. We can mutually complain. House, if you're reading this, I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more. I hope you both are sleeping well.

Going to sleep now; trying to get up and work in the morning. Merhhhh. Also it's fun because I can sort of touch-type on my iPod without looking and I usually get it right or close enough for autocorrect. It's great. Maybe a full-keyboard phone wouldn't be so hard to get used to. Meh. Whatever. Bed.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

lazy, homework, phone, house(girl), ipod, newton, sleep, friends

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