Ho-hum... life in Boston again

Sep 11, 2011 09:55

It is Sunday morning. For some inexplicable reason, I am wide awake at this moment. I have been since about 8:15. Why does this never happen at home where church starts at 9:30 and I have to drag my brother's butt out of bed? Here, church is not til 11:00 and I don't even have food in my room for breakfast... :( Oh well. Worse things have happened.

So I've been back in Boston for just about a week! :) It's really great to be back. DSC got, like, over 100 names at the activity fairs, which is exciting even though most of those people think we're going to be teaching them ASL which is a big lie. Still, good. They didn't let ST or the chapel go to the activity fair, though, so I think it's difficult to get new people involved. We'll see.

Then...classes! This semester I'm taking ASL 3, Greek 3, Intro to Linguistics, Intro to Education, and a class on how to use technology effectively in the classroom, whose name I forget. I enjoy all my classes. :)

For ASL, I'm in an evening class (7-8:30 TTh; blech) with a new adjunct professor. She's awesome. She loves puns and teasing us. Teasing is fun, but the puns tend to get lost because they're English puns in ASL... like SILLY B-U-S = syllabus. Nooooobody got that one. I was proud that I understood everything that went on in class on Thursday (Tuesday there were terps there so we could go over the syllabus and class policies more easily, I guess), especially since I haven't used my ASL significantly since last November, but there are a couple guys for whom that was clearly not the case... I can't find it to be mad at them for it, but it made me wonder how they got out of ASL 2...

Greek is going to be hard. It's going to be a lot of work. We're reading Lysias 3, "Against Simon", which should be interesting. I've got my first semester prof back, and he's still quite awkward, but I think he'll do better in a reading/seminar kind of class than a "here, let me stand at the board and tell you everything there is to know about Greek!" kind of class (like last year's were). *shrug* We've got lots of the same students as from last year, plus 3 or 4 magnet-school kids and 3 or 4 kids who did two intensive semesters over the summer. It should be interesting.

[Interlude: I'm using the new Firefox. There is no spell-check. This makes me sad. I've gotten soft. =P]

Ling is fantastic! My professor is hilarious, he's knowledgeable, and he's very well-spoken. I'm really excited for that class. Tentatively I'm much less excited for the mandatory discussion section, but I'm not sure if that's because I genuinely don't like the people in there (TF and students both), or if I was just REALLY REALLY REALLY frustrated with the discussion of descriptive and prescriptive grammar. They both have their place...can we just move on please? Thanks... I really wanted to find the TF irritating in her excessive bouncing and smiling and awkward hesitations, but... that's going to be me. I mean, i hope that training in the school of ed will help me avoid that, but... I probably will be somewhat like that in my first classroom. =/ eek.

Intro to Ed is also going to be great. The prof is awesome, and I'm just really excited for the subject matter. He did this awesome thing on Wednesday (only class we've had so far) where he put on four different hats over the course of introducing himself and the TFs and the course, and it turned out to be a vehicle for explaining four personalities of teachers. SO GREAT. Then, next week we start a field placement term. I will be, as Momo would put it, Miss Wednesday to a class of elementary school kids. We'll continue to have lecture on Monday, and on Wednesday we each go to work in a different classroom of a local elementary school. I'm SOOOOOOOO EXCITED for that! It's going to be great.

The technology class is also going to be fun. It's going to be a LOT LOT LOT of work, but I think it will be good. The professor is really awesome, and I can't imagine anyone better suited to teaching the course. We're going to design a website and lesson plan to use with our field-placement classes.

In other news... I'm back to square one for a job opportunity. The people I worked for last semester don't want me back on the days I'm free to work for them, and the woman I was hoping to tutor in English has rescheduled our interview thing like 10 times and now just isn't responding... ugh. I went through the job boards and found another aspiring English speaker and a mom who needs 2 or 3 days of babysitting on MWF for her infant son and sometimes her 2-yr-old daughter. !!!!! I emailed "applications" for those, and I'm waiting to hear back. *crosses fingers*

Ummmmm. Oh! I'm the co-chair of ST with Brittany! One of last year's co-chairs is around in an advisory sort of capacity b/c she's on a leave of absensce this semester but still working at the chapel. It should be a really good year, I just haven't gotten it into my head that I run this show now... eek!

Finally...I haven't done any hw yet this weekend. That's bad. Yikes.

Well... I'm going to go...be productive maybe? I need to leave for church in a bit less than an hour, but I should be able to accomplish something in that time...


linguistics, teaching, boston, church, school, homework, life, education, greek, asl

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