I can has bedroom now! :)

May 30, 2011 23:59

My grandparents were all here for the first ten days I was home, so I was sleeping in the basement. For the last week, I've been in my own bed again, although tonight might see me move back down. It's so friggin' hot. Cleveland weather, man. Multiple personalities, can't ever decide...

In other news. My trip to the high school was quite lovely. I inspired a slave revolt at the Latin Club Banquet since I could not attend (bah, babysitting), met the lovely xiy, and had a good time in the Latin classes. Also saw Libster's awesome Senior Project painting.

Then babysitting that Friday and I accidentally dislocated the little girl's shoulder, which I didn't know, cuz she doesn't speak, but her dad took her to the doc and it's all good. Apparently she's done that several times. I saw the ice show that night, which was quite good, as usual, and then Saturday night I had a Monty Python party with Fluffy ^_^

Then, last week, I spent four days at the middle school, which was absolutely wonderful. I love those kids. (Not that I don't love the high schoolers, but... =P)

Thursday night I had a mental breakdown about my future career as a teacher, because lawmakers and administrators think they know how to run schools / school systems, but they really don't. And they're screwing over everyone, because they protect crappy teachers, so* students don't learn, and good teachers burn out, so students don't learn... It was bad. An assistant principal at the middle school was organizing assemblies on finals days, my sister was telling me about her ridiculous history teacher who I honestly can't figure out why he** still has a job (oh right! Tenure!). I kind of lost it.

But then I got better and also just today I found this button on facebook. It's from the Illinois Education Association:

It makes me smile.

Thennnnnn Friday, more babysitting. Saturday chilling and cleaning and my sister convincing me to become work-out buddies with her. Pro: I have motivation and accountability. Con: She has muscles. I don't. So we went running and I am a wimp. Then teriyaki cook-out. Yum :D Sunday was totally chill, and then we went to the movies. My parents saw Bridesmaids, and we saw POTC 4. It was actually quite good. Since our movie let out early, we walked around the square for a bit, and K (and Ev to a lesser extent) got mad at me for not buying them food without my parents around. Ugh.

Finally today, lovely parade (and by parade I mean band performance. No one else was very cool...), then more working out and chilling / working on ASL lesson plans for summer camp. Yikes! Ribs for dinner (NOMZ), learning to play Mao, and then getting in another fight with my sister cuz I didn't want to watch a movie with her. Womp.

Now it is most certainly bedtime, as I'm going back to the middle school tomorrow. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


P.S. Feel better soon, xiy!! *germ-free hug*

*Interesting, isn't it, how that comma there makes a difference. They don't protect crappy teachers in order that students don't learn, but they protect those teachers, and as a result the students don't learn. I mused before that in Latin, ut would promote ambiguity there, and in some instances I would want that. Here I'm glad for the differentiation, but now I wonder how I would clarify that in Latin. Probably some 'therefore' conjunction.

**Is there no grammatically correct way to put that sentence? The relative 'who' and the indirect question 'why' seem to get in each other's way... :(

weather, angry, babbling, teaching, rant, family, band, school, xiy, libster, movies, life, fluffy, exercise, grandparents, pictures, babysitting, sister, friends

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