May 15, 2011 17:19

So...... it's summer! The weather does not agree at all, but that's ok! I'm going to hang out with the high school Latin-ers this week (xiy, I think I should get to see you too) and then the middle schoolers for the next week or two after that. *bounce* I'm excited.

So I left off basically when I was screaming at the writing people. I think that was Sunday night. So here's the story of the last week:

Monday: a friend from home came to visit my uni and scope it out. That was super fun. Then I had my last day tutoring with my little girls, and then I went to the last community dinner of the chapel. We got pizza from...The Upper Crust. There was one with fried(?) eggplant on it...SO NOMMY...mmmmmmmmmmmmnnnghhhhhh. Then Brittany and I sat in the community room and worked for a while until we got warned around 1:00 by some random custodian who had definitely NOT been there the night before that he was going to kick us out around 2:00. And I was so tired and frustrated at that point I really didn't want to move, so Brittany took me back to her dorm and we worked for a few hours and then I took a two-hour nap on her common room floor.

Enter Tuesday: I got up and went down to the dining hall around 7:30, emailed my prof apologizing that although I expected my paper would be in on time, I was having trouble with it, so my portfolio would probably be late. I think I then returned to my room and took a three-hour nap in my own bed. Kept working / trying to work all day Tuesday but it didn't go very well. I had dinner with Brittany and Dominique again because Dominique was feeling lonely, so then we sat and worked in Dominique's common room (during which time she asked how many people I'd dated (>_<) so I gave her the short[er] answer (2 3/2 or 3 2/2 ... still undecided) and promised her the whole story of my life during a Skype date this summer), and I finally fell asleep around 3?

Wednesday: Actually finished the paper (it was NOT very good...), then took my Latin exam, which I think went pretty well. *crosses fingers* Then I worked on my portfolio, trying to finish by 6 so I could meet mi care for dinner (NOM NOM NOM HANA SUSHI NOM) but it took WAY longer, didn't end up leaving the library til 7:30, changed and packed quickly because by that time it was so late I didn't want to bother with coming home after dinner, plus I had books to return to him, was on the T a bit before 8, and didn't get off until NINE FRICKIN' FIFTEEEN (9:15) because there was some broken down train ahead of me on the red line and we waited nearly five minutes at every stop from Park to Harvard >.<. Fortunately mi care was in a good mood :)

Thursday: tried and failed to study econ, floundered miserably on the exam, packed up all my shit with my parents and made it to my uncle's house in NY by 11:59, despite leaving around 7:30. It was super impressive.

Friday: finished driving home. Breakfast and lunch both took longer than expected, so we got home a little late and my parents both stressed out about that. =/ On the flip side, my mom was reading this really interesting book to my dad called The Post-Birthday World, and I missed the first bit of it, but I gather that it's two stories told side by side, like alternate versions of each other. There are two chapters of every number, but one is headed with a white background and one is headed with a grey background. I heard the chapter 3s, although my mom made me listen to my iPod while she read the sex scene cuz she wasn't comfortable reading it to me =P. Had dinner at Pizazz with my grandma cuz K had a birthday party and Ev and Mom and Dad had rehearsal dinner for Ev's confirmation. YUM. (Leftovers tonight ^.^ heheh.)

Saturday: LUCY-LU'S BIRTHDAY!! One of our baby girls at church had her 4-yr-old birthday party and it was a super blast. We had soooo much fun! ^_^ Flew kites, cuddled, caught up with folks. It was wonderful. Then came home for some good grandparents-quality time.

TODAY: arrived slightly late to church (K, grandparents, and I), only to realize we'd forgotten Mom's camera. So K and I ran back for it, but we didn't manage to miss the sermon, which didn't really seem to have a point to me, plus... >.<. Then we came home, I took K to skating after she freaked out because she and Mom had said at dinner last night that her rehearsal was at noon, but today while I was inside getting the grandparents ready to go, she was freaking out because it was 11:15 and she was supposed to be there at 11:30. UGHHHH. Anyway, the rest of us came home and got dinner together, and then Mom, Dad, and Evan showed up, and then Tim (Ev's mentor) and Mary came and we just had a wonderful time. :D Then clean up and now chillaxin' time.

I kind of want a nap, but it's kinda late... =/ Also I need to remember to feed the cat I'm supposed to be caring for. Well that's all for now. So glad to be done with school!! (I really don't mean to brag... just relieved to be done with finals and crap.)


weather, writing, tired, birthday, stress, grandparents, family, church, school, books, xiy, homework, home, happy

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