
Jan 27, 2011 02:03

Yay Martha noises. I've been inspired to write here more regularly, as many of my friends have recently taken up / re-taken-up blogging. Some of them are abroad, and some of them I've only just discovered their blogs. And one in particular has in mind to write a really interesting post about grade distribution in university classes but he hasn't yet. ;) And he probably isn't reading this anyway because he's decided LJ is weird and moved his new blog someplace else. ^_^ Love you :)


I've decided that while this truly does not take the place of journaling, it is an excellent alternative given that I actually have the motivation (at the moment) to do it. And we'll see how the real journaling comes along. But for now...

For as cold and crazy snowy as it is outside, our room is SUPER hot. Must be the best insulated building in the country. Serioiusly, never in my life have i worn shorts and a tank top to sleep during winter.

Also I learned today that in Massachusetts it's illegal to go to bed without first taking a full bath. Geez, that must be why there are so many sirens driving past my dorm in the middle of the night... I guess they'll be coming to get me next =P

Also we finally have reasonably functional WiFi in our dorm, which is exciting because i can be comfy in my bed and still be online (like this) and not have to rearrange my whole life so that I'm near the ethernet cord. Yay!

My brother phoned me tonight cuz he needed to interview someone "adult" about whom they considered to be their hero(es) and how their concept of heroism has changed since they were in middle school. Guess what? I don't remember what my concept of heroism was in middle school! I've never really been one for "having heroes" I guess. But I decided that for now, anyway, my heroes are Magistra and Mr. T (the math teacher). So helpful, and caring, and genuinely awesome at what they do. I can only dream about living up to those standards.

Also I went swimming tonight which was nice, but as I haven't in almost six years (well, seriously done so), it was très difficile and I think I pulled a muscle between my right arm and my chest >.< Feels better(ish) now, though. We'll see what it feels like after I've slept on it.

And tandem, here are the lessons from Latin today:
1) the subject of an acc+inf indirect statement may not also be the direct object of the infinitive, even if it's reflexive, even though it's already accusative. So there. (I won this argument with my prof. It makes me happy, and assures me (not that I was seriously concerned) that I belong in that class even though it's a 500-level. Also the other potential undergrad didn't show today. Wonder if he dropped.
2) the Romans could say "he told me that she said that he thought that she said..." This is exciting because I swear I learned in high school that you couldn't do that. But it is possible. And it makes me happy.
3) I + you/y'all = we; I + he/she/it/they = we; you + he/she/it/they = y'all; further, the Romans always said "I and you" rather than "you and I" and "you and he" rather than "he and you".
4) dangit, there was another one... oh! Using "aut" indicates that you've listed all the possible alternatives. Like, "When I have children, they will be boys aut girls." Or, "I will either be on time to class or I won't be." (aut...aut...) However, using "vel" or "-ve" does not have that connotation: "Do you want a PB&J sandwich vel a turkey sandwich?" (To which one could respond, "neither, I'd like tuna" or "I think I'll make some soup instead" thus, all the possibilities have not been exhausted.)

Ok, that's all for now. First day of Adolescent Development tomorrow! Yay!


weather, snow, journal, writing, thoughts, kitten, teaching, boston, cold, brother, internet, warm, latin, blog, friends

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