general happiness ^_^

Jan 26, 2011 00:57

 Damn internet. Erased all I'd written. Let's see if I can remember.

I've been working out more lately, which I think is contributing to general overall feeling-good-ness. Also, since Wooly and I agreed to do it together, it means I actually get to see her since we no longer have class together, and that makes me happy. :) [yup, this section was definitely longer before. Sad.]

I've also been doing Rosetta Stone more (French). (Take these both with a grain of salt, I guess. I've only been back a week >_<) I think it's because my Tuesdays are so empty that I just go the the HTC and do it. But I really enjoy it. I need to find similar motivation for my ASL.

These, combined with fanfic100, have made me feel really productive lately. This is good :) On a similar note, if anyone has a house-elf name they'd really like me to use in my first story, please please share. I'm no good at that sort of thing.

I'm taking a Latin prose comp class, and I love it sooo much, even though I may or may not be the only undergrad in it. (The other potential one doesn't talk, so I don't know about him.) But I really love everyone in it and I'm having a blast. It's a huge class, too! There are, like, 12 of us or something! (That is legitimately huge to those of you not in classics. Especially for this type of class.) I'm really looking forward to it tomorrow(today).

I have my first Adolescent Development class on Thursday. I'm looking forward to that too because I have heard only wonderful things about the prof and the class, so that should be fun. Yay!

Ummm this past weekend it was sooooo cold here! My glasses actually frosted over on my way to class on Monday. Yikes. It's just balmy now, though. Only 30* today! Haha. Last friday we had a two-hour delay because they had to clear the snow off the street and T-line, and there's still snow piled everywhere, though not in the streets or sidewalks. And this coming weekend I think mi care and I are going to go ice skating! Yay!

Also Lincoln's been back online the last few nights (shock! gasp!) so it's been nice to catch up with her ;) And we decided a few nights ago we were gonna write to each other, and I just had an excellent idea for my first letter, and it will keep me entertained during down time tomorrow. Yay :)

First fic will be up as soon as the elf gets a name (he's the main character, in a manner of speaking, so it's kind of crucial >_<).

On that happy note, I think my roomies and I are all headed to bed. Bonne nuit !


weather, snow, snow day, kitten, boston, cold, fanfic100, work, lincoln, life, latin, piano, friends

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