
Oct 15, 2008 23:02

This is my momentary break from chemistry (while I wait for SparkNotes to load cuz I don't understand Beowulf).

I hate homework. period. I do not have an attention span long enough to do everything they want me to do. I'm not even really taking a full courseload, and it's much lighter than it was last year, but I still can't seem to get it all done. I hate that I always leave math and Latin alone, cuz they accept late work, but then I get behind in those classes and I have no time to catch up, and the math doesn't make sense anyway. Ugh!

*sigh* ok, rant done now. I have to go attempt to do something else before I fall asleep. G'night. Pray for me, please? I feel like my head is not in this solar system, let alone this planet... *hugs all around* I love you! :)


homework, annoyed, tired, school

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