
Sep 03, 2007 17:17

Ok, so I write a lot of poetry, and I decided I want to post some of it here. Feedback please! Nobody gave feedback the last place I posted this stuff, and that made me sad. T_T (Yes, that's a crying face. Get over it.)

I'm too young for you to die (1/13/06)

I'm too young for you to die
Too few years have yet slipped by
You cannot leave me here alone
To try to make it on my own

I'm too young for you to die
You have to stay and help me fly
I hope you know how much I care
And cherish memories that we share

I'm too young for you to die
Watching you just makes me cry
The pain I go through everyday
Please promise me that you will stay

I'm too young for you to die
Better life is drawing nigh
Stay and please experience it
Right here with me is where you fit

I'm too young for you to die
Down in the ground you ought not lie
Remain with me till natural end
Stay and love me: you're my friend

~This is dedicated first to people on the receiving end of this message, secondly to the people who can put themselves in my shoes, and lastly, but not least in any way, shape, or form, to those wonderful people who comforted me through all the junk that inspired this poem ~ THANKS YOU GUYS!!!

~It was inspired by the line from the Pixar movie, Shrek.

~Also, kudos to Ian, who is putting the words to music, and it sounds soooo cool.

Sunday School Poem (5/14/06)

Look at all those faces
every single one
reflects the loving face of God
and shows us God's own Son.

People who fight
and those who defend
show to us God's Spirit
which will help us 'till the end.

Some faces show God's impact
so directly on their lives
and they love everyone they meet
friends and children, husbands, wives.

Confuséd looks upon the faces
of people from many times and places
God can help them if they ask
with any sort of needed task.

Children's faces show innocence
in spite of what they do
but whatever still may happen
God will help them through.

All these different faces
staring back at me
each one shows the love of God
we try each day to see.

~Dedicated to Mrs. E., the most amazing of Sunday School teachers and people. She challenged us to write parables based on certain photos. Although I certainly failed to write a real "story", I did have fun writing this. (As well as looking at the astonished looks on the faces of my "classmates" when they figured out that I can write poetry.)

Tapestry (5/7/06)

that Tapestry called Time;
each Thread a Life
of Someone
Somebody else knew.

with each passing Minute,
more Threads are woven in.

as the Tapestry grows,
the Theme changes.

each Tread, a different Color;
each Life, a different Soul.
the Tapesry can only be complete
with many Colors.

could not all Threads
be Light?

as the Weaver watches
this Tapestry woven,
He can only intervene so far.
the Loom of Humanity must
do Its part, too.

every Thread knows only so much
of the other Threads.
the Weaver can see all,
but once a Thread goes in,
there It stays.

so Spinners, Humans,
spin Your Threads carefully.
are You ready
to join the Tapestry?

Invisible (5/8/06)

Walking down the hallway,
looking all around,
conversations pass her by
as she looks to the ground.

She has hurt some people;
she knows that this is true,
but whatever happens,
all she wants is you.

'Me? What am I?' you ask,
gazing through the air.
She answers very carefully,
'A friend who loves and cares.'

'I do not know your name,' she says
'for you don't yet exist.'
She smiles at you sadly,
looking at her scarred-up wrist.

'I know I'm not so very old,
but I had to grow up quick.
I must run away from Daddy
when he's mad and has a stick.'

'Won't you please come comfort me?
That is all I ask.'
Now I, the poet, say to you,
"Look, this be your task:"

"I know that out there somewhere,
you know someone just like her,
so go and lend a helping hand,
in ways just, kind, and sure."

"Reader look me in the eye
(though mine you cannot see).
I ask for you to solemn swear
that through eternity,

you will very nicely go
to help all those who weep,
doing all the good you can
in smaller steps and larger leaps."

Moving through the hallway,
head held high and proud,
this girl gives her thanks to you;
smiles and turns to face the crowds.

~Nota Bene (please note)(that a. I am a Latin freak, so sue me) and that: this was based on lots of different stories, books, experiences, people, etc., not just one.

Always smile, never frown
Even when you're sad
Cuz smiles make the world go 'round
And yours make me so glad!

Your Eyes (1/16/06)

Your eyes
sparkle wiht a love I wish I had
Your eyes
betray all the pain you hide within
Your eyes
show you for who you truly are
Your eyes
view the world as one big soccer field
Your eyes
see life as one long game to be played
Your eyes
tell me that your love and friendship
will span the distance
between your friends

It used to be (5/23/07)

It used to be I knew all about you
I could tell from the way you walked
whether today was wonderful
or whether I should just back off
and let you be

It used to be I knew every part of you
Your familiar amber eyes sparkled with light
and happiness I'm sure my eyes reflected
But now my eyes search yours
looking every day for a solution to the enigma you've become

It used to be we were one-and-the-same
You could finish my sentences before I even
knew what I was saying
We knew each other's lives backwards and front
didn't we?

It used to be I could trust you
You supported me even when it hurt
You encouraged me despite the jealousy
My secrets were safe with you
And I knew you knew how I felt

It used to be we talked
Your phone number was muscle-memory
and even by phone I could see and hear
your radiant amicable smile
Even the notes were something amazing

It used to be we shared something
The same humor and books
The same "nerdy" interests
sed non nunc
Now I am just "loser"

It used to be I loved you
Now I'm not so sure
Do you still love me?

Confessions of a Lonesome Teenager (11/29/06) (I don't like that title...)

Your eyes do sparkle but don't look at me
In that same caring way I wish they would.
If you would help me learn to happy be,
To grin the way I sometimes wish I could,
Then we would both be beautiful as day,
And we would each possess a little spark
Of sun that helps to light our wending ways
And keeps us each from stumbling in the dark.
If I could only hold your hand in mine
And know that you would trust me 'til the end,
Then I might float until the end of time
Because I'd know you were at least my friend.
But this I know; I do know this is true:
I've little chance of being loved by you.

For the record, my poetry tends to be a little dark, cuz it's usually an outlet for me when I'm pissed off. I do have some happier stuff if you really want to read it, but I tend to share less of it because I guess it feels a bit more private to me. I dunno. Tell me what you think of it all!!! I really want to know!


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