Man you know you're icon set is getting good when you have a hard time picking one. I get to use my Squidward one on my main journal finally. Well I decided to take off that ksaphier girl or whatever from my friends list. She probably thinks it's because of the little flame war we had over my drawn. Nope that was just the last straw. The main reason was that she's one of those that's an internet addict and needs to post multiple times a day to show everyone what's going on in her life. Is it that she's that bored and has nothing better to do or does she have a Mickey Mouse job where she gets to play with Live Journal all day? I don't think there's such a thing but if so sign me up. Man and here I am working. How stupid of me. And the content of her posts is not something I'd be sharing with everyone. If I had that many medical problems I wouldn't be updating about it all the time. Makes me glad I'm healthy. And if you post that much why have three quarters of your journal be temporary? What a waste. But yes I got sick of my friends' good posts getting pushed away to the bottom and even missed. So along with the art comment she's out. No big loss. I don't keep people around that would annoy or stress me. I like enjoying life.
I'm going to quote
gootc_me from a conversation we had because I know she won't mind.
"Ohhh... and I was going to start to post several times a day...
8am. I have cereal for breakfast it was good but then it got soggy. The grape juice was delicious.
1pm I just had lunch, it was good, now Im sleepy. Why these people at work can never get anything right? Do I have to do everything around here?. I should try to hipper-ventilate just to see if I pass out so I can ignore them.
7pm Im finally at home and my husband is just as annoying as ever and then I found out I'm estrogen low... darn.. I better take my medication...
10pm That art I just saw today is awful, I'm a better artist and I don't even know how to draw a decent stick figure.
Do I cover everything?
Just feeling a little sarcastic and bitchy.. maybe I'm estrogen low after all... lol"
Haha oh man that was great. Well you win some you lose some. And I'm happy to have picked up a new friend who's posts I've really been enjoying,
tiogardubh. She's also a pigeon lover and posts pictures of her pigeons that have been nesting at her house. Very nice photos so if you don't get enough pigeons from me you can see more on hers.
EDIT: How silly of me to forget. I just banned her because like all morons (There has YET to be one that can do this like they claim) she couldn't leave quietly. So much for respecting other people's rules of their sites. But open mindedness is just a bunch of bull anyway. So since I didn't put the ban pic in her response I put it here now for the world to see on the front page. I guess that's better than hidden in a long comment thread.
Solan blows your brains again. Don't worry there wasn't much to blow. Hey Cheezey, you should let Coldy have a field day on that thread. He can vent some of his frustration from work on her. Besides we need to balance all this estrogen low with Testosteron highs. Chris already added his. And now she will become another butt of our jokes for...well a long time. You guys know I never let anything go.
Speaking of pigeons I got lots more pictures to share today.
Here's Turbo feeding the baby. See how far the baby sticks his beat up his dad's throat? I love that. Looks like the parents are eating them. Ok I'm going to post a BUNCH of pics behind the cut now of pigeons, my snake eating a rat and the garden so beware!
I didn't chop his head of this time.
This would have been perfect if Turbo hadn't closed his eye.
Remember the butternut squash I mentioned? It bloomed today and I've never seen such a huge flower from a squash. Not even my pumpkins were this awesome.
There's my hand for comparison.
Female flowers of the cucumber/gourd family have the fruit behind the flower even before they open.
Today was snake cleaning day. ALL the snakes got clean carpets and got fed. I'm sick of my baby garters getting under the carpet and I couldn't find the big rock that I had for them. So I decided instead to give them a new plant and a HUGE water bowl that was my former iguana's bowl from back in the 90s.
I LOVE the new set up and look. Looks like they have an indoor pool now. And they DO go swimming after each meal. Well now onto my ball pythong Chopin feeding.
Here he is almost finishing his rat.
I love this stage when only the feet and tail are left.
Down he goes! The tail looks like his tongue. So funny. I wish these weren't so fuzzy but it's hard taking pictures through glass and in low light. I saw Cooper yesterday for the first time in ages. If the rat hadn't been frozen I would have run in and given it to him. I hope he'll come back and I can feed him. I miss Cooper so much.
Oh and I hear that Chris
draconisthanos updates his journal! This is a rare thing. Hurray!! Everyone go look. I'm going to check right now!