Wyoming No more

Dec 02, 2022 09:16

Just logging a breaking up with a friend on youtube who's current name is Wyoming Adventures. This is the channel in case she changes the name again.
I've had it with her because she's just lied to me telling me she'll do things and then she does not. She's one of those that everything is a big deal but would rather complain than fix the problem. Kind of like silvolf and cowboygirl were. I don't keep people like that around. You should not keep people like that around. They are a parasite that will drag you down because they can not be helped. She does not know who she is either and I forgot to mention it in my last comment to her. But she changed her channel name and icon many times. She even pulled the stupid stunt of deleting all her videos when there was nothing wrong with them. You know I hate that and it's wrong and not fair to all the people that had faved and left nice comments on her old stuff. People the delete, claim to leave then come back are insecure and don't know themselves. See your icon is a representation of yourself and if you're always changing it you don't know who you are. Though I've never understood how people can't know who they are since I've never questioned that from the start. Since I was a child I was given a name and that is who I am. It's not hard people. I wonder if I should have used the icon I'M ME with Nicolas Cage instead. Anyway I'm just going to post the reply because it covers everything that she did or mostly didn't do. I'll edit this if need be and of course I have the log of the conversation if and when she deletes everything. Here it is.


"Please let's not fight here."
No. You need to stop running from problems. I've had it with this and it is time to face all of it.
"Believe me I've been through a lot lately."
Oh so that makes you special? Guess what everyone's been through a lot. Everyone has problems. With the way this year has gone your statement is laughable.
"Youtube drama has about done me in lately. Everyday it's getting worse."
Welcome to the internet! I have almost two decades of flame wars logged from jerks, trolls, morons and back bitting butt kissers that I did not back down to. It is nothing new and it will never change. Also it is not just youtube it is all over the internet. If you can't take the heat get out of the fire. Besides the internet is nothing to get bent out of shape over. It's not like real life. But we're not here to discuss the internet but this problem at hand and the problems I have seen leading up to this.

The subject of Maria or whatever her name is. YOU, Wyoming, are the one that brought it to my attention that Maria had been annoying you with her stupid comments. You told me this on a phone conversation a few months ago. You asked me what I thought and I said I agreed she was annoying and her comments were fluff and had no substance to them. You then went on to tell me about how she posted videos pretending to be a budgie expert when she is far from it as she lives in a home and only has one cage of budgies that she doesn't even take care of well. Well you know I can't stand it when people pretend to be something they are not. Anyone can copy stuff out of a book and repeat it like it is their own words to sound smart but have nothing to back up said words. Actions will always give you away. I told you to quit watching her and to block her. I had a very nice video from a few years ago showing how to block as I figured you didn't know how to do it. You then said you would and that we would do it together and be rid of the annoyance. So after I got off the phone I went to my channel and blocked her because I do what I say unlike you. And my channel instantly became more peaceful and enjoyable in the comments as only people that knew how to have proper conversations were now posting. But then when I went to comment on your videos you I saw her still leaving dumb replies. But not only that you were giving thumbs up and hearts. This did not match with what you had bad mouthed to me on the phone.

Then in a later phone conversation you really dropped the bomb on me again bring up that Maria was really pissing you off now. Someone with a sick African Grey was asking for help and Maria told her to put the bird down when she knows nothing of bird care. Then the really bad story about her whining to you about her birds being sick because they were on a bad diet. You told her to give them pellets and veggies and she would not making excuses about money and who knows what else. Then you actually bought food and mailed it to her and she still stupidly did not feed the birds. Then the bird dies and she asks what to do. How hard is it to bury a dead bird? They are small. You tell her how and then she even does that wrong burring it too shallow so the cats dig it up and eat the bird. And you still haven't blocked this moron? I know better than to help someone like this in the first place. I was sick of hearing about this. I told you again to just get rid of her. Do you know why I do not have these problems? Because I do not keep people around like this. I do not keep people around that do not want to help themselves. People like this prefer to complain and wallow in misery even when the answer is mailed right into their hands. But then you are just like her. You made excuses to me about why you had not blocked her. Oh she's retarded. Oh your laptop broke. Oh you do not know how to block on a phone. I was already mad at you by this time. I brought up the last time you did not listen and was going to mention other points but you did not let me talk. Kind of like now, you do not want to "fight". No you need to be told how it is. I told you mental state is no excuse for manners and just dealing with life. I told you to buy a new laptop. You can get them at pawn shops or go to thrift stores where they sometimes pop up for less money. Failing that I even found a great super simple tutorial for how to block with a phone. No excuses. But that's what you like to do. From everything I've seen and you've told me you're just like Maria in that you lie, make excuse and tell people what they want to hear to get them to stop. But your actions or in this case inactions will always find you out.

And here we are and you still haven't blocked her when we were going to do it on the same day. You lied. You also lied that your phone was having problems. Well I see you have a new one so no more excuses. Also for not having a phone you sure have been making a lot of community posts almost on a daily basis. So you have been online. So don't feed me BS about your broken phone, broken laptop or whatever broken item as you still managed to find a way on to watch stuff. So that's the issue with Maria but wait there more. Here's the stuff you shut me up about that I didn't get to tell you on the phone. Let's start from the beginning and I'm sure I'll forget things because there was a lot.

Your budgies and clipping them. I told your when we first met to clip them. Then the one budgie nearly flew away and you were lucky to get it back. You said how right I was and that you would keep them clipped. But guess what? You never did. I could see it on your videos. Your actions betray your words.

Having two female budgies. I told you that was a problem. You did not listen and they fought viciously. I told you to give them separate play time so they would not fight. Guess what, your videos did not show them playing individually. "Oh but they don't fight anymore." You probably say. Irrelevant. You did not listen to me and it will come back to bite you.

On the phone you complained many times about how terrible facebook is. I told you dump it. There's nothing good and it's only causing you problems. You agreed yet you called me again and you still complain about it. I asked you why you hadn't gotten rid of it. You even said something like "I don't know why I stay there." I don't know either. I told you to delete it and never look back if there's nothing there for you. When I talk with someone on the phone it's for a nice fun conversation not to get mad about stupid problems that should not even exist because they are easy to resolve.

You said you would join LJ yet you never did. You are a liar yet you post on the community all the time.
I warned you about posting pics of yourself. You told me you had posted a video showing you and took it down yet you went and posted it again on your community. Yes I know about that. You never learn the lessons.
You complain about idiots and trolls. I told you how to screen comments.
You've told me about flamewars you've had yet you never block anyone. I do not understand why you're so afraid to use the ban hammer. It's a wonderful tool.

For all the praise kudos you've said to me your actions don't show it. If you really respected me like you said you do you would listen to me. Of all the people you have met online I would not be surprised if I am the only one that actually does what I say. You respect me for the same reasons you respect Trump. We do what we say, we have trouble just like everyone else does, but we face it head on and deal with it. We also don't keep those around that hinder our lives. If you ever met him and got to know him he'd probably mop the floor with you. "You're fired!" And that is what I am doing now. If you really thought I was so wonderful you would not have not done all this to me. I realize that I can not count on you. You're no different than Maria in that you would rather complain and hold on to your problems than listen to reason. And you probably lose the people that matter and keep those that make things worse for you. You also run from your problems, tell people what they want to hear to keep everyone happy. Well you can't live life that way. You know I hold people accountable and it's probably why you've been avoiding me. I can not be your friend if you can not be honest with me. I can not count on you and I can not believe what you say. So these are the things I wanted to say the other day but could not because you did not want to hear it. Well you need to hear it and here it is. You can come back to me if you ever get yourself straightened out, but I won't hold my breath.


flame wars

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