DEC 02: REC AI, HP, SG-1

Dec 02, 2010 18:02

American Idol (Katy/Kris), Harry Potter (Art: Draco/Severus; Pansy/Ron), Stargate SG-1 (Gen)

*) Southern Comfort, by cjmarlowe.
American Idol | Katy/Kris, Adam&Kris friendship | NC-17 | ~ 3,400 words
It was in the middle of their second month of living together that Kris forgot to be as careful around Adam as he'd been at first. Not that Kris had a genuinely secretive bone in his body, but unlike Adam, who once he knew and trusted you was completely free with every aspect of his life, Kris kept his private life private. No one needed to know what he and Katy did together, not even someone who was quickly becoming Kris's closest friend.
-- > I really love both relationships here: the one between Kris and Katy - so loving and sexy and intimate - and the one between Kris and Adam - comfortable and warm. In so many stories there seems to be only one kind of relationship to be had, as if we don't have multiple ties of different intesities with a lot of people: family, co-wokers, partners, friends...
This story manages to capture the multitude of human interaction. Just wonderful and warm.

from snaco_exchange:

*) ART: On the Run, by anon.
Harry Potter | Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape | G | photoshop
After fleeing from Hogwarts, Draco and Severus head into the unplottable wild mountains with only each other to depend on.
-- > Oh, I really love the atmosphere of this picture. Rich and beautiful. I can really feel Draco's desperation and Snape's helplessness, both of them so lost and sad.

from smutty_claus:

*) happy families are all alike (until you look under the surface), by anon.
Harry Potter | Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley | R | ~ 2,100 words
Warnings: non-con, disturbing content
Ron has his happily ever after with Pansy. But all is not necessarily as it seems.
-- > Oh, I really like how the tension slowly builds in this piece. Very clever and nerve-wrecking and chilling and disturbing.
What I really liked was how there was enough given to guess what might be going on without ever really stating what does happen.

*) Five People (or Beings) Who Inhabit the SGC, by holdouttrout.
Stargate SG-1 | Gen; OCs | PG | ~ 1,340 words
I got to thinking about how lucky SG-1 was that they never had anything that transformed them permanently, and how there must be a few SGC personnel who weren't so lucky. Thus this was born.
-- > This is such an intriguing view into the SGC and its people. I love those snippets that are so rich and curious.
I really like how humour and seriousness intertwine.

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fandom: stargate sg-1, rec: fanfic, december giving, fandom: american idol, fandom: harry potter, rec: fanart, fandom

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