Dec 01, 2010 18:05


*) The Discovery, by kaneko.
Torchwood | Ianto/Jack | PG | ~ 2,700 words
There were reports of a yellow (or blue or maybe orange) meteor, and Tosh's scans showed that something had landed in the approximate vicinity of Yr Elen.
-- > This is one of the most beautiful stories I've read in Torchwood fandom. I love the wonder of the story. Torchwood so often is about the dark and sinister side of the world that it is great to see that there is more to the world and the universe than that.

Stargate SG-1:

*) Hospitality, by penknife.
Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate SG-1 | Gen; Ronon Dex, Cameron Mitchell, Vala Mal Doran; sexual tension in various directions, including Ronon/Vala, Cam/Vala, and John/Ronon, but no actual sex | PG | ~ 4,800 words
While John's visiting his brother after his father's funeral, Cam and Vala offer to show Ronon around Colorado Springs. Or at least the parts of it that serve alcohol.
-- > penknife does great character pieces. All of the characters are so wonderful in character here. I really love their interactions, all of them. I love Ronon's voice, and how he sees these people and earth.


*) I'd marry your cat just to get in the family, by wanttobeatree.
Supernatural | Castiel/Sam | PG-13 | ~ 1,300 words
Prompt: 'Dean gives Castiel all his lame pick-up lines and Castiel keeps trying to use them on Sam'.
-- > I don't read that much Supernatural anymore, the show lost me and this fandom lost me. I enjoyed this story nevertheless. It's really hilarious, it made me laugh and giggle. Liked Sam's confused thoughts on what might be going on.

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fandom: supernatural, fandom: stargate sg-1, december giving, fandom: torchwood, fandom

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