Paint Me Beautiful, by
Bandom | Brendon/Spencer | NC-17 | ~ 5,200 words
These are Brendon’s lyrics and random bits of thought, all scattered and winding around the pictures Brendon draws. It’s like Spencer’s skin has become Brendon’s diary, spelling out all his innermost thoughts, all those things Brendon usually keeps so safely guarded until he deems them ready for public consumption.
-- > Writing on body is one of my favorite kinks. I really love how this plays out in this story, the slow build of the relationship, the trust they have in each other.
Five Things (More or Less) That Ray Kowalski is Not Telling Ray Vecchio, by
due South | Kowalski/Vecchio | PG | ~ 2,500 words
See title.
-- > Oh, RayK's voice is so lovely here. So very much like him.
Love the progression of his thoughts on himself and on Vecchio.
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