Good Omens (Gen - Art), Harry Potter (Gen, Remus/Severus)
Good Omens:
White Wings, by
Good Omens | Gen; Crowley | G | Art
I first thought of this idea some months ago... I don't even remember when, and it made me wibble and flail and so of course I had to draw it. I love Crowley so, and the idea of him making snow angels just kills me, in a good way. It's all deep and meaningful and stuff.
-- > This is just so gorgeous! Love the way Crowley lies there, and his expression.
Fortuna, by anon.
Harry Potter | Gen; Sirius, some Marauders, Regulus | PG-13 | ~ 1,200 words
Death, it has already changed them.
-- > This may be short but it sure packs a punch. I love the writing, poignant and vivid. Like the structure, and how it is built. I can see this Sirius here, and I love his view on the others.
Snupin Santa:
Fits and Starts, by anon.
Harry Potter | Remus/Severus | PG | ~ 14,500 words
Severus survived an Unbirthing Venom. . . mostly.
-- > I'm not all too fond of kid!fic or where characters de-age, but this story is more than bearable. There is none of this cutesy stuff here. Even though Snape's a child he is still himself. I really liked the plot and how Remus dealt with it.