REC: Stargate SG-1, StargateSG-1/Stargate: Atlantis & Week 10, Part I

Apr 01, 2009 20:58

Sisters in Arms, by dsudis.
Stargate SG-1 | Gen; Sam, Sha're | PG | 983 words
Sam and Sha're talk during 'Children of the Gods'.
-- > Oh, I love the description of Sam and her thoughts. I would have loved to see something like this on the show. While being a reaction to the lack of women and interaction between them (on the show), this story is wonderful in its own right. It articulates some things that have been consciously and sub-consciously bothering me and I love it.

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves, by auburnnothenna.
Stargate SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis | McKay/Sheppard, Vala and other assorted characters | R | ~ 27,280 words
The first part of a multi-part Alternate Universe story, aka space pirates the au epic of doom. Some bits of teasers previously posted may be recognized. Some dialogue repurposed from SG-1 episodes 'Prometheus Unbound', 'Summit' and 'Last Stand'.
-- > Seriously awesome space pirates AU. I love the plot and the action. And I really love how the author leaves the reader to figure things for themselves.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Beauty and the Beast

Changes, by TrudiRose. (Belle/Prince) -- Belle and her Prince adjust to life after the transformation.
Why: What happened after the movie? Life isn't realyl a fairy tale (even when it is), and this story shows this. Beautiful and realistic.

due South

Due West, by joandarck. (Fraser/Kowalski, ensemble) -- All heads turned as the saloon doors swung in. A stranger stood there: dark-haired, broad-shouldered and handsome, looking like he'd just stepped off the stagecoach in his fancy coat, but with a pair of well-worn guns at his hips and one mean-looking dog walking next to him.
Why: Written for ds_flashfiction's Genre Redux Challenge. Hilarious and fun and meta-ish. I couldn't stop giggling.

Observatory, by atrata. (Fraser/Kowalski) -- Fraser hangs out in the Hancock and looks at stuff. So does Ray.
Why: Beautiful little snippet, full of potential and great Fraser characterization.

fandom: stargate atlantis, rec: fanfic, fandom: crossover, features: rare characters, fandom: due south, fandom: stargate sg-1, features: small fandoms, fandom: beauty and the beast, fandom

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