Going back to read older stories by authors you like can be a lot of fun. Mainly because one can discover a gem that might have been missed before.
stakeout by
paian is such a story.
People talking during a stakeout. Jack and Daniel talking after the stakeout.
I think what I like best about it is the understated way
paian handles it. There is so much unsaid and there are so many undercurrents that it took me more than one reading to truly appreciate it. That's not to say that the story leaves the reader floundering in the dark, far from it. It lets the reader think on their own though and trusts them to do so.
I hurt so much for this Jack. He's the one character of the series that I have the hardest time getting into his head. And I love a story that makes it easier for me to get him.
And I love Daniel here - a grown-up man who doesn't let any-one overroll him. This is the Daniel I can see on the show, who even in early seasons is headstrong and stubborn and far from easily intimidated.
stakeout, by
Stargate SG-1 | Daniel, Jack, OC | R | ~ 1,820 words