"Recced, reccable and possibly reccable" - list: Week 07

Feb 26, 2009 23:14

Beauty and the Beast

Fur, by mahaliem. (Beast/Belle) -- Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt: fur.
Why: Short, but really disturbing. Loved it.

Buffy - 'verse

A Week of Wrong, by eliade. (Spike/Xander) -- Xander held up his hands as if begging the film to stop rolling. "Okay, no, no, no, see--this is not the part of the buddy-cop movie where the two guys have to pretend to be gay, and if it is, you can consider me officially leaving for popcorn."
Why: Very funny, and I loved the ending.

African Soil, by soft_princess. (Wesley/Xander) -- Africa changed people. You couldn't touch the rAfrican soil and not be changed.
Why: I really loved this story. This Wesley and Xander really fit together.

Come for the Demons, Stay for the Stew, by Bonster. (Riley/Xander) -- Riley has tracked a Gryk'Tla demon to where Xander is in Africa gathering slayers. The Gryk'Tla has already tangled with them before he arrives.
Why: I love Riley and Xander together, andhere both have changed from what we've seen on the show but remained true to themselves. I love the slow build and the understated feelings.

Goody Guy, Bad Guy, by cordelianne & reremouse. (Spike/Xander) -- In a post-Chosen, post-NFA, non-comic canon compliant world, Xander's working with the Council and Spike's working with Angel. Somehow they keep running into each other.
Why: Love this sharper Xander and Spike, and they fit really well together.

Kisses, by ladycat777. (Spike/Xander) -- Spander, unbeta'd, probably confusing, and probably no more than an R.
Why: Don't let the summary put you off, it isn't really confusing. Interesting character piece, and very hot.

Not Noisy or Excited, by savoytruffle. (Spike/Xander) -- Alternate timeline, Spike never came back after leaving at the end of Season 6; Xander is looking for slayers in Africa, but finds Spike.
Why: Love this version of Spike and Xander, the slow build of their relationship.

There’s Your Trouble, by savoytruffle. (Spike/Xander) -- Season 4. Last night, certain problems drove Xander to drink. This morning, it’s a whole new set of problems.
Why: Seriously funny, I had a blast reading this story.

Wanderlust, by nasty_shrew. (Spike/Xander) -- Xander searches for a home in a world that he just can't quite fit in to anymore.
Why: I love how Xander changed and didn't really fit in, and how he tries to make a new home anyway.

Watchmen, by sahiya. (Giles/Xander) -- Xander finds out what it means to be a watcher and seriously considers going back to being the guy who fixes the windows.
Why: Watchers always remind me a bit of officers, how they have to send their soldiers into battle. This shows why. Heartbreaking, and I love Xander here, and his quiet growing up.

Doctor Who

Donna: The Beta-Reader, by nostalgia_lj. (Gen; 10th Doctor, Donna) -- See title.
Why: Hilariously funny, I love the meta-ish feeling. Go Donna!


Nothing But the Truth, by carenejeans. (Duncan/Methos) -- A simple case of mistaken identity.
Why: Really funny and sweet without being too saccharine.


Frivolous, by musesfool. (Gen; Susan) -- Susan's siblings think she's frivolous.
Why: Susan was always my favorite character of the Narnia books, and I hated what happened to her at the end. This drabble shows a really human Susan, and I love the reasoning employed behind her actions here.

Starsky & Hutch

Outcome, by lamardeuse. (Hutch/Starsky) --
Why: I saw a rec for this story and thought I'd give it a try (even though I don'tknow much about this fandom). It's a typical romance but I enjoyed it nevertheless, mostly because of the slow build of their relationship.

Stargate: Atlantis

Mary Who?, by losyark. (McKay, Sheppard; OFC) -- John was in the commissary with McKay playing a game of cut-throat winner-take-all (of the loser’s beer stash) game of chess when it happened.
Why: Hilariously funny with a killer last line.

Stargate SG-1

And the World is Mine to Win, by chase_acow. (Cameron/Daniel) -- Alien kittens, miscommunication, and ritual face paint!
Why: This was written for me. I'd love it even if it weren't. It really hits most of my kinks spot on. Sweet, yes, but not overly so. Love the interactions between Cameron and Daniel and how every team member got to take part.

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Firefly

Shadowing, by bruttimabuoni. (Simon/Wesley) -- Distance doesn’t always mean indifference.
Why: Love Simon and Wesley's interaction here. It really works.

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Supernatural

Like the White-Winged Dove, by nwhepcat. (Gen; Castiel, Faith Lehane, Dean Winchester (POVs), Sam Winchester) -- Castiel has an affinity for doubters who do the work of the Lord. Faith finds another second chance offered by someone who calls himself angel. Dean walks in and unexpected things happen.
Why: Brilliant meshing of those fandoms. Loved the character voices.

Waiting for the End of the World, by nwhepcat. (Gen; Castiel, Faith) -- The classic stakeout story, except with an angel and a slayer and an apocalypse.
Why: Same 'verse as the above mentioned story, it really works.

X - Over: Dexter/NCIS

Style, by sam_storyteller. (Gen; Dexter, Tony DiNozzo) -- Dexter makes a friend.
Why: It's Sam. Interesting idea, really well executed.

fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: crossover, fandom: doctor who, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: highlander, fandom: stargate sg-1, fandom: supernatural, fandom: starsky & hutch, fandom: dexter, fandom: narnia, fandom: beauty and the beast, fandom: angel the series, fandom

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