"Recced, reccable and possibly reccable" - list: Week 06

Feb 18, 2009 21:11

Buffy - 'verse

Afternoon, by wesleysgirl. (Spike/Xander) -- <>iSet post-"The Gift." Relationships can be a challenge, especially by the light of day. 1K words.
Why: I love stories where the relationship isn't perfect, but where the characters work on it. It works really well here.

Breaking, by miriam_heddy. (Spike/Xander) -- Xander was determined to break up with Spike this time. The problem was, he was just as determined not to.
Why: Oh, this hurt. I don't like stories where either Spike or Xander are OoC, especially Spike should still be himself. And they clash. That's fact, that's canon. And this story takes it into account. Heartbreaking and real.

Bruised, by snowpuppies. (Angel/Spike, Angel/William) -- Angel likes Spike when he's bruised.
Why: Hot and disturbing and just plain fun.

Cassander, by littera_abactor. (Spike/Xander; Buffy, Willow) -- Written for the Batshit Crazy Metafic of Doom challenge.
Why: I giggled through the whole story. I love meta disguised as a story, and this one delivers.

Coming Around Again, by secondverse & wesleysgirl. (Spike/Xander) -- Co-written with SecondVerse. Post-"Chosen." When Xander has to return to London to help stop the next apocalypse, he's also going to have to pick up the pieces he left behind.
Why: Oh, I loved this. Sometimes relationships don't work out, and sometimes you get a second chance. Very realistic, and in character for both Spike and Xander. And I love everyone else here too. No bashing. So much in love with this one here.

Deciphering Fire, by wesleysgirl. (Spike/Xander; Dawn) -- Dawn either has very good or very bad timing, depending on how you look at it. Post-NFA, Spike and Xander are reunited just in time for yet another apocalypse.
Why: I enjoyed this. What I love about wesleysgirl's writing is the mix between realism, and chracterization, and fun. Neither to sweet, or too angsty - the story feels balanced.

Five Things The Chip Was Never Marketed For, by sangpassionne. (Gen; Spike, Xander, OCs) -- Based on the five things challenge, this story assumes that Spike was recaptured during The Initiative (4.7) and offers five possible futures for him. All events after that episode happened as we saw it on screen, only without Spike’s presence. All scenarios take place during the time period of AtS season 5, so there may be a few character spoilers.
Why: Dark and disturbing and revealing. Brilliant.

Dropping Eaves, by allyndra. (Spike/Xander) -- Spike overhears a conversation that leads him to woo Xander.
Why: It's not very deep, but just plain fun.

Five Things Xander Harris Didn’t Realize He’d Miss About Sunnydale, by julia_here. (Gen; Xander) -- See title.
Why: The author says that this story can be seen as a prequel to The Ballad of Ira Hayes, which I love to pieces. This one packs quite a wallop too. Very realistic depiction of grief, and gorgeous characterization. Goes certainly into my Top 5 of Xander-centric stories.

Seeing Distant Things As If They Were Close, by wesleysgirl. (Spike/Xander) -- Set after "Dirty Girls." There are different kinds of healing, and different kinds of moving on.
Why: I love stories that deal with Xander's loss of his eye, and one written by wesleysgirl - I had to read it. I really loved it, even the ending.

Seeing Things, by eowyn_315. (Gen; Spike, Xander) -- There’s a moment, as the door closes behind Buffy and Dawn, leaving them alone in his apartment, when he wishes he could kill Spike. Just a brief flash of white-hot anger that shudders through him, and he finds himself closing his fist around an imaginary stake.
Why: Sharp, very canon - Xander. Brilliant piece of characterization.

Sidelines, by eliade. (Spike/Xander) -- Vignettes of Spike and Xander’s relationship.
Why: I have seen this one recced often enough. It is a bit weird, but that didn't bother me. Really enjoyed this story.

Some Things Stay the Same, by secondverse & wesleysgirl. (Spike/Xander) -- Spike and Xander's first night together after the events of Coming Around Again.
Why: Loved the first story and really like the second, which consists mostly of a sex scene. Very fun.

This Year's Vamp, by china_shop. (Spike/Xander) -- Bodyswap! - Spike/Xander, set in season 6 after "Flooded" in a world without Spuffy.
Why: I know china_shop's writing from due South and I really like it. So of course I gave this story a try. It was really fun to read.

When Everything Seems Like the Movies, by mireille719. (Spike/Xander) -- When a bank robber decides to use him as a getaway driver, Xander Harris finds the excitement his life had been lacking. (Contemporary, all-human, AU)
Why: I love mireille719's writing, and this story doesn't disappooint either. What I love most about it is the ending though - very realistic and in-character but hopeful.

Your Horoscope for Today, by eliade. (Spike/Xander) -- Spike and Xander.
Why: I can't really put the finger on the why, but I like this story.

due South

Genre Redux Challenge, by joandarck. (The Ladies' Man/Captain Canada) -- Storyboard for upcoming issue of the well-known comic book series, The Ladies' Man: Dark Knight.
Why: This has been recced at crack_van and it sounded interesting. It's really funny and I enjoyed it very much.

Harry Potter

22 Magnolia Mansions, by minnow_53. (Remus/Sirius; OFC) -- Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned; especially when that woman is an exclusive flat invaded by two uncouth schoolboys.
Why: I love outsider!PoV and this is a prime example of why. Outsiders see things about the characters they can't see themselves. Besides, this is a really funny story and I enjoyed it very much.

Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore, by ooosk. (Gen; Crookshanks, Hermione; canon!pairings) -- 10 things you never knew about Crookshanks.
Why: I love reading about rare characters. This one works so well.

Lord of the Rings

The Fathoms They Abide, by having_written. (Eowyn, canon!pairings) -- 50 sentences about Éowyn. Format stolen from the 1character challenge community.
Why: This was posted at halfamoon. I didn't have time to read only half of the offerings but this one caught my eye (and it was short), and I'm really glad I read it. A very interesting view into Eowyn's life. Love it.


Staying, by bananacosmic. (Gen; Tim, Tony) -- Tim swallows as he looks at the senior agent - he wonders how it could possibly be, how this purple and blue shell can possibly hold Tony, with all his vitality and energy.
Why: This has been recced (I think at crack_van) and I thought I could give it a try. I haven't read any Tim & Tony friendship stories before and I think that's a pity. Really liked the characterization here, and how Tim and Tony interacted.

Stargate SG-1

Closer, by paian. (Cameron/Daniel) -- Prompt: Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Cam, "Baby I know your first choice is gone". Post-'Shroud', Mitchell/Jackson, Jack/Daniel (UST or broken ER) in background
Why: I love Cameron/Daniel, and I love paian's writing. So this is the ideal combination. It really hurts, in the good way. Sharp and poignant and just plain brilliant.


The Gwen Bashers, by ghost2. (Team) -- Gwen gets what she's deserved for a long time. - A parody.
Why: Oh, I hate chracter bashing! Seriously, what is the point? And I love parodies. Really like this one here. Very good, and this one of the only times when it works when characters are OoC.

You Can Be Interesting Tomorrow, by smallwaldo. (Ianto/Jack, team) -- Owen accidentally gets revenge for Ianto shooting him; Ianto contemplates bugs, bears and babies (the less said about the chickens, the better) and Jack finds Ianto interesting. (Takes place shortly after 'Something Borrowed', while Gwen is on her honeymoon.)
Why: Just plain fun. This story makes me giggle every time I read it. And I have read it numerous times.

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Sherlock Holmes

The adventure of the displaced Watcher, by antennapedia. (Gen; Giles, Holmes, Watson) -- An accident with a magical artifact sends Giles into the past. Can the specialist in hopeless cases help him before the artifact is lost and he is forever stranded? - Spoilers: Season 5 as far as 'Triangle'.
Why: I actually have this story on my hard disc for over a year. But then I've read a rec for it and thought that I had to give it a try. I'm glad I did. This works really well, and the character voices are spot on.

X - Over: Highlander/Torchwood

Four times Torchwood Discovers Ianto's an Immortal, and One Time They Don't, by vipersweb. (Ianto; team) -- See title. Highlander/Torchwood fusion.
Why: Love Highlander/Torchwood crossovers. This one works very well. I've read quite a few of vipersweb's stories over the last few weeks, and I can only recommend to follow them. I think they have a lot of potential.

X - Over: Murphy Brown/Stargate: Atlantis

Five Interviews Murphy Brown Never Conducted, by elementalv. (Gen; Murphy Brown, Carson, Rodney, Teyla, John, Ronon) -- See title. Post-canon, so somewhat spoilerish for 'Enemy At The Gate'.
Why: Oh, this is brilliant!! Absolutely brilliant! I love how Murphy Brown asks those uncomfortable questions the show never dares to ask. Brilliant piece of meta, packed into a funny and engaging story.

X - Over: Stargate SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis

Smear of Ash, by abyssinia4077. (Daniel/Rodney/Sam) -- Sometimes the end of the world is only the beginning.
Why: I have such a huge thing for apoca!fics! What I love most about this one here is the realism shown, and the chracterization. Brilliant. I already have their other stories bookmarked, and I'm looking forward to reading them.

fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: lord of the rings, fandom: crossover, fandom: doctor who, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: harry potter, fandom: due south, fandom: stargate sg-1, fanfiction - log: 2009, fandom: ncis, fandom: angel the series, fandom: torchwood, fandom

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