Friday Five: 8.1.2021

Jan 09, 2021 11:13


1) What act of kindness have you witnessed (or done yourself) recently?
I couldn't think of anything at first, the days are very much flowing together for me, but then I thougth of something:
Here in Germany you need either a coin or a token for a shopping cart, and all supermarkets I frequent have now a rule you need to have a cart with you for shopping. Usually I have at least one with me when I go out, but last week I didn't have one. I was cussing to myself when a guy noticed and used one of his own tokens for my cart (he had a bunch of them). And when he noticed a guy and a girl didn't have one either he gave them one too.

2) What is your favorite memory?
I can't really think of one now. Although I remember fondly the holidays my sister and me spend together with my grandparents.

3) What activity always seems to energize you?
I can't really think of one now.

4) Did you do something recently that made you laugh at yourself? What was it?
I can't really think of something now.

5) What is your favorite inspirational quote?
"Lernen ist wie Rudern gegen den Strom, sobald man aufhört treibt man zurück." ("Learning is like rowing against the current. As soon as you stop your are drifting backwards.") I think it goes back to a chinese proverb.
My elemetary school teacher wrote it in my "Poesie Album", which is an book where your friends, family, teachers, etc. can write a verse for you to remember them by I had one when I was in school. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

off-line: friday five

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