Friday Five

Jan 01, 2021 11:16


Out with 2020, In with 2021!

1. What was the best thing about 2020?
That none of my family got sick. That the only colleague at work that got sick only had the symptoms of a cold and is again healthy.

2. What lessons from 2020 will you carry into 2021?
I work better in an office than at home. But I am able to do it. I more sociable than I thought I was, and that I'd like to do more of it in 2021.

3. How did you spend your New Year's Eve?
Reading, and planning my reading for the new year. I'm glad it is over.

4. Legend says what you did at midnight on New Year's Eve/Day is what you'll do all year. So what did you do?
Reading, and planning reading. Not a terrible fate :)

5. What are you most looking forward to in 2021?
Actually just being able to go into a café and sit down and drink a coffee. Or go to a restaurant.
Also, going on vacation. I feel my world has become very small. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

off-line: friday five

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