Stuff and more stuff, sickness and writing

Feb 19, 2009 18:07

Stayed home sick from work today and felt bad. The quarter is almost over and they have a paper due next week, but my stomach was killing me and I couldn't keep my breakfast down (granola bar chunks), so I turned around at Nisqually and drove back home and called it in.
Slept till like 2, sweating and shivering under the covers at the same time, great. Seems to be almost all gone now though, so...24 hr bug?
Have gotten a bunch of gaming stuff down this afternoon and reread a couple of drafts of stories, though didn't really "write" much. I think my Gardener and the Emperor short is ready to send off to a paying market. So I guess that was accomplished.

Am stuck on a story "The Eyeball Merchant finds love". Can't find my POV.
Have a few anthologies I would like to send off to with deadlines fast approaching....

Have the kids tomorrow so I doubt I will get much done on the non-domestic front.
One thing I am struggling with, especially since ending my sabbatical, is being split over so many different things. I have a hard time with Time-Management- my personal preference is to stay focused on a task for hours and hours, losing myself in it. Unfortunately, I am scattered and interrupted far too frequently for that to happen.
OK, enough bitching.



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