Am giving midterms this week. yeah. That's pretty much it. Have papers to grade, most are done. Spent the weekend goofing off. Played in a Star Wars game at
cochese 's run by
scarywhitegirl .
The game had potential, but we only had 3 players (and two of us made pretty joke characters- a Wookie Diplomat and his protocol droid) so the game never really got off the ground. I think we just kibbitzed and joked too much. On the flip side I really enjoyed hanging out and geektalkin', so I had fun but felt a little bad about it.
Let's see. Took my daughter to see Coraline. Short review: great visuals, charming story. But what I was most proud of are the times my daughter leaned over and said: "They changed that from the book". Then, afterwards she helped to point out that many of the changes downplayed the heroine...the boy character saves her at the end, the cat helps her get one of the prizes, and she doesn't really outsmart her opponents or trick them so much as get lucky. One of the reasons we liked the book was the strong girl protagonist and the movie chipped away at that. oh well. At least I have my own cool daughter who notices those things.