I suppose I haven't updated in a while......

Oct 10, 2005 15:21

and don't expect another update soon. This is a brief period of time during the next two months where I will have enough time to update this, as I will be pleding a certain fraternity that a Mr Boydston is a member of. This frat is the 'nerd frat' on campus, and the pledge class that I am in only seems to reinforce that moreso that the previous classes.

Despite that fact that former roommate Mark lives right above me, I have only seen him a few times. The longest I saw him was when he crashed a party in the room. I do not see a bright future for that man. Sadly, despite his best efforts to help the Greek system, not a single fraternity wanted him, even the nerd frat. The Republican club kicked him out, and all of his other extracircular activities are no defunct. I think part of him died. It's sad when such drug-fueled raw ambition just stops, but I guess its a lesson in living moderately or at least not being such a douchebag that everyone on campus consistantly rates you one of the top five douchebags.

Much of the time spent at the gym this summer has gone to waste, my body is slowly deterioating. At least I got to talk to Jeff Gaspera and see Katie Harper's ripped shoulder muscles. Now that google can search blogs, someone should try to see if a search of 'Katie Harper' returns ads for 'ripped shoulder muscle exercise machine.... only 2 payments of $30!'

My floor is my roommates and all girls. Most of them know each other and are pleding the two 'cool' sororities. A few of them want to find me a girlfriend.

My roommates.... Matt W I S N I E F F . The alpha nerd on campus. Very outgoing, a boisterous, commanding voice. Founder of model UN and does a billion extracircular activites. Wants to be a Russian Professor. Loves alternate history books (what if....... Hitler was 5 inches taller.... then we'd all be speaking German!) and international relations. Incredibly indecisive and worries about things that don't matter. I always have to tell him that what he worries about doesn't matter because of my Lutheran cornfed humble midwest sensibilities. A big fan of Nazi jokes. Lives in nice part of Fairfield, CT. Dad is top technical advisor to big government military thing which I don't think I should post online because it might be classified. Good guy. Has girlfriend problems back home, might break up with her this weekend.

Matt L A M B E R T. The ying to my productive roommates yang. smokes almost enough to classify as a stoner. White sox fan for some reason even though he lives in Westchester. Nick name last year was "Drinkin'". Enjoys sports of all kinds, is alright at playing them, but a bit out of shape to be that good at them. Is very body conscious and is alittle on the fat side. Like playing weird videogame like music on the keyboard. Annoys girls on floor with this. Doesn't care what girls on floor think of him and told one she could use to lose a few pounds (to be fair the girl asked if she could use to lose a few pounds). I have to tell him to stop being such a mess. I am the great balance of the room inbetween yuppie and hippie. Without me they would destroy themselves.

The band is on hiatus due to pledging as are all other extracirculars.
I've found out that the people in my dorm aren't that bad people as long as you don't have to live with them.
My room is pretty classy and will only get more so.
In terms of women I've done alright, but for some reason alot of people think I am alot more suave than I actually am.
My camera sucks and only takes blurry pictures, here is a friends website that he occasionally updates


This year is much less absurd than last year, although if I stumble around my dorm drunk at 2:00 AM, I usually find something rediculous happening. (Broken windows, blood smeared on the walls, etc.)

I still have to drink shots with my patented method of chasing a 1/4 of a shot with soda and then chasing that with water, but I can drink beer now! Maybe i'll start putting on weight and get a beer belly.

I am so busy that I have every hour of every day for the next month planned so that I won't fall behind in work. My time for writing this is up.
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