That Update Post

Feb 01, 2011 22:10

1. Still unemployed. Still broke. Still sucking. I did manage to get food stamps, and I got my unemployment benefits reinstated - $40 a week, woo-hoo! (<-- sarcasm)

2. I got my fee waiver for my name change and the initial paperwork filed with the court; now I'm just waiting on the money I need to publish the notice.

3. I've applied to UNR for the fall semester and submitted my FAFSA. Now waiting to see a) if I get admitted, and b) what kind of financial aid package I can get.

4. Something shifted internally right after the new year, and my depression is . . . gone. Just gone. I'm off of my last antidepressant, the one I've been on for 15 years for fibromyalgia. My fibromyalgia is gone, too. O.o I need to write more about this later, because I still have some thoughts to process.

5. My marriage seems to be fading amicably into deep friendship. Most of the time I'm okay with this. I'm also kinda-sorta-maybe dating someone else.

6. I've had exactly one callback/interview, and it didn't go anywhere.

7. I'm considering looking into therapy as a future career.

8. I've been reading LJ a lot lately, but haven't been posting or commenting. I only ever read it on my phone, and even with my awesome phone typing is slow and annoying. And I have nowhere in the house that's remotely comfortable place for typing and has internet, so I never get around to it on my computer. But I'm getting rid of the internet service on my phone and hoping to fix the nowhere-to-use-the-computer issue, so I will stop being a hermit soon. I hope.

9. I've stalled out on my NaNo novel, but am writing, off and on. The no-comfortable-place-to-type issue affects this as well.

10. I'm filing taxes separately from mfrazercani. His are still fucked, and we don't know what to do about it, but I should be getting about $1,000 in returns for the past three years.

11. I need to come out to my extended family soon - I was supposed to do it in January - but I'm avoiding it out of nerves.

gainfully employed, stayin' alive, death and taxes, coming out, depression, my husband is awesome, paper trail, writing, my name, iterations

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