Aug 04, 2007 13:34
Birthday Party tonight, cant wait. The marquee has been delivered to my friends house and is apparantly massive. My costume is primed and ready to roll and i have a full 1L bottle of triple distilled 50% proof vodka. I think its gonna be a rather big night if i dont say so myself...
Been getting more into writing and finished off the second chapter to this little biopic fiction, its quite short for a chapter but i figured the changes in scene would be too much for one chapter. Hopefully as i get into it more there will be longer chapters. Otherwise there may end up being 70 odd chapters.... :(
Chapter 2
“I have burned my tomorrow
And I stand inside today”
Detective Schwarz sat in his car indulging on a rare lull in work. The chocolate sprinkled jam donut was enticingly balanced on his lap with his home brewed coffee in the other as he sat in his unmarked sedan overlooking the city as the sun began to rise. Golden rays of sunlight shone through the car mirror, giving his skin a golden hue as he studied the emphatic beauty of the glistening brown donut that lay a mere inches away from his mouth its white sprinkles christening the barren brown surface with its sugary sweet delights. He bit into the delicate gastronomical delight as his mouth exploded with jam and pleasure, his teeth chewing the pastry into a sweet syrupy nectar as it made its way to the welcome embrace of his stomach, the syrupy goodness radiating throughout his whole body til it tingled with ecstasy.
“Your weird.”
He looked up at his disapproving sidekick Julie. She sipped on her flat white coffee as if it were water; no emotion was evoked from her as she gulped down the swill in her cup.
“I’m sorry did you say something?” Schwarz replied between mouthfuls.
-“Look at you, you’re the stereotypical policeman, eating donuts while you should be working. To make it worse your acting like it’s your last meal, its freaking donut king for god’s sake, not the French piz de la resist-awnce”
“Im sorry, but this is one of my guilty pleasures, and if me eating this ‘chocolate coated work of art created by the hands of god’ conforms with your stereotype of ‘pigs’ slacking off, then so be it. I am ‘weird’…. and loving it.” Schwarz further pushed his point further by using air quotations with his sticky chocolate covered fingers.
Julie made a snorting sound which may have signalled disgust in his behaviour, but it also signalled an end to the discussion as she leaned forward and flicked on the police scanner. The sound of static filled the air, drowning out the small sounds of pleasure and loud slurping coming from her partner next door.
“Officer Adams reporting, we have an 10-103, code 30 corner Wills Ave and Hay St. All officers in the immediate vicinity please provide assistance. Over.”
Julie looked up at an oblivious Schwarz who was still eating his donut delicately, as if he hadn’t heard what she had just heard on the radio.
“Well what?”
-“What do you think? They need assistance; we should go check it out.”
“Ah leave it to the traffic pigs and rookies, they need the excitement, they don’t get much excitement in their job as it is.
-“I think we should check it out.”
Schwarz put down his coffee and looked at Julie. She was not a bad looking sidekick but she had problems which often conflicted with Schwarz’s own. If he could sum her up in one word it would probably be vivacious. Her taste for trouble often led them into, well more trouble and looking at her pasty complexion now with her furrowed brow and agitation meant that her mind was already set. Stubborn would also be another word to describe her he mused to himself. Sighing out loudly he took a deep draught from his coffee cup, emptying the rest of its hazelnut soy frappacino goodness in one go. Even now the pleasure of the donuts and coffee were quickly disappearing in thin air. Leaving him with only remnants of a better time, 3 minutes before Julie decided to open her mouth. He chuckled to himself at his quip at his partner.
-“What are you laughing at?”
“Oh.. nothing.”
“Well what?”
Julies piercing gaze told him that she was not enjoying his little game. This of course spurred him on to continue. He waited in silence as he watched her slowly get more agitated til she was about to pop. Just as she was about to voice her distaste of him and his attitude he started the car.
“I guess we should really check out this call. We cant have you slacking off whole day now Julie. Some of us have to work.”
“Units Adam, this is Schwartz en route to your location to provide assistance. Over.”
He didn’t quite understand her retort that followed but understood that it somehow involved a set of golf clubs and his anus and maybe a boot. He laughed, delighted at her excellent sense of imagination as his black unmarked sedan pulled into the traffic silently towards its destination.