Nov 15, 2004 16:03
Woke up in a tornado today.
There goes Kansas,
There goes me,
drifting off into history.
Echo ringing through my mind, just praying that today won't be when I die. Despite my pleas for it all to end before, I know I can't honestly say that anymore. Just be angry, happy, sad, miserable, stick it all in the blender. We'll see where it all goes.
I couldn't write an essay
Couldn't breathe
Couldn't count to 5
Couldn't please
But I did write the essay, it was only two pages long
I did count to 5, but it took me all day
I did please, but I can never be sure
Im was an experiment today as well, just as every other day.
Like a plant, changing... growing and dying all the same.
A vicious cycle.
Experimenters must be awake before they are experimented on, since the door is only as open as you are willing to push it.
This is the experiment
the lover
the hater
the confused
the crazy
the wise
I can't play one role, so don't make me. Keep me clean, keep me original. NRFB, never removed from the box... just me. No signs, no stickers, no angst, no bullshit.
I just want to be me,
even if 'me' looks like the inside of a used blender... I'm not too sure if I care.
Color me a hypocrite
I can type it, but I can't say it
I can say it, but I can't shout it...
not yet...
Bring me out, crack me open.
Blow my mind.
Revel in it.
You can choose to walk away,
But I cannot gaurantee I will not follow.
You can choose to kill me,
But I WILL come alive again.
And when I do, I'll come for you Danny.
I'll come for you...
yes I will...
Don't worry I'm not insane...
just tired
Just give me a hug, a kiss, a word, a confort... Lecture me, but at your own risk.
They say keeping it open let's the insanity in...
If that is their way,
then I'll make sure to clean house
Don't worry if you forgot your pass at home, you can retake the test here...
hell, it's free
The reward? Cherishable
The Punishment?