Title: Collapse
Pairing: YabuNoo / slight-OkaNoo
Genre: Angst / AU(?)
Word Count: 538 words
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: In that instant, the world collapsed
A/N: Dedicated to
keannegirl01 ,
natz666 and
miko_yamanaka , because my bb was bugging me for angst, and will, YabuNoo :D I seem to be giving her so many fics these days~ and the other 2 because they helped me in developing this fic ;D
Have you had a time where you felt like your world was collapsing? It’s like the floor just disappear and you just keep falling down in the dark abyss. It just feels like the world just ended.
Looking out of the window, rain was rolling down the window, and Yabu didn’t feel like moving a muscle. It was gloomy outside, just like his heart. He continued to observe the rain, and it was then he realized that there were cracks on his wall.
Cracks that weren’t visible previously.
‘Just like my heart.’
“Kei!” Yabu’s eyes lit up as he saw his boyfriend’s back view. However, he was totally shocked when he saw Inoo lip-locking with Keito.
Both of them broke apart and Yabu cringed when he saw no apparent guilty on Inoo’s face. “What’s this about Kei.”
“I guess I’m caught. I don’t love you Kota.”
“You’re demanding a break-up.”
“No, I’m breaking up with you no matter what.”
“Fine,” and without another word, Yabu turned around and left. He didn’t even turn back too look.
What Yabu missed was Inoo promptly collapsing into Keito’s arms, sobbing silently while whispering, “I’m so sorry, Kota.”
The beeping in the room was frustrating. He doesn’t have much patient. He felt like smashing all the machines that are attached to his body through the tubes. “Inoo-chan, are you feeling better?” Looking up, he saw Keito holding onto a basket of fruits. He must have been too disturbed by the beeping sounds to not notice the sliding of the door.
“How good can I be feeling? And thanks for the fruits; you can put them by the table.”
Really, how good can he be feeling? With millions of tubes sticking out, and an oxygen mask over your face, how can Inoo be feeling fine?
His mind went back to thinking of Yabu, and somehow, Inoo felt like he heard something crack within him.
“Keito, I need your help.” Keito had looked at the Meiji student, and realized that he was hugging that frail frame of his tightly. “What is it Inoo-chan?”
“I need you to come meet Yabu with me. And kiss me when he can see us.”
The English boy was shocked at Inoo’s request; however he didn’t utter a word. “Keito,” A deep breath was taken and Inoo said it. “I wouldn’t be able to live any longer. I’m in the fourth stage of brain cancer.”
With that out, Keito didn’t miss a heartbeat in agreeing to Inoo’s request.
Yabu had stopped in his tracks as he saw Keito right in front of him. He had noticed the puffiness of the younger boy’s eyes, and he just went up. “Are you … alright?”
The younger boy had fallen forward, and Yabu caught him just in time. Keito had rested his forehead on Yabu’s shoulder, and the older man couldn’t help but feel Keito sobbing.
“Yabu-kun, Inoo-chan is … he’s gone.”
“What do you mean Keito?
“He’s gone from this world. He had brain cancer. He … didn’t want … to hurt … you.”
Keito was now looking at Yabu with his teary eyes, and Yabu felt that the time has stopped. Everything was lost. His world collapsed in an instant.