I hate to do this, but because no pinch-hitter has claimed these, I unfortunately have to advertise these publicly. These two entries are now without a writer and desperately need one. If you want to adopt either one, please contact me. I'm willing to extend the fic deadline for these if need to be.
Edit: #13 has been claimed, but #16 still needs a writer. If you only have one claim, please consider picking this up. Again, I'm willing to extend the deadline for this fic.
Edit2: Both have been claimed, thank you!
[here]#13 Characters: Lupa Pairings: N/A Setting: 70's or 80's AU revolving around the music industry. Rating: G Trigger warnings: None Story guidelines: Any pairings. Finished fic's rating probably shouldn't go above an R. Allison should be either a disco diva or an 80's female teen singer. In hindsight, Film Brain as an androgynous New Wave frontman would be really hilarious.
#16 Characters: Nostalgia Critic, Linkara Pairings: Nostalgia Critic+Linkara Setting: Canon verse Trigger warnings: None Story guidelines: Inspired by the latest NC Power Rangers review and this prompt: "The Critic comes back to the past after his review of the Room and saves the world from the Seahorses." I'm looking for something gen, fun and adventury, with Critic and Linkara being a pair of ineffectual heroes, but saving the day in the end.