Tories and Cameron

May 19, 2007 18:04

Well, I have been incredibly dubious of Mr Cameron and his new-look, we're-so-left Tories, and for good reason. He's done an incredible lot of posturing without dedicating himself to any serious policies.

I've been unsure about Cameron's sincerity. It seems slightly coincidental that he became all fluffy and left-leaning when he took up the Tory leadership. His voting record isn't good at all - unfortunately, the website with all that info on only goes up to 2001, but I know for a fact that he voted against abolishing Section 28 (which made it illegal "to promote the acceptability of homosexuality" in schools or something equally stupid) and against flexitime for mothers of disabled children, to give two examples. If I had access to his earlier voting record, I'm sure there would be many more antiliberal votes.

Whether he's truly had a change of heart or not, his party certainly hasn't. Now that we finally get a sensible lefty suggestion out of him - not building any more grammar schools (elitist schools where the rich get their children pampered) - his party are up in arms.

SpM said recently that we had moved into a different era of politics, and we had to stop thinking along the lines "I will never vote for ___ because ___." I think he's wrong. Labour may have changed, but the Tories haven't. They are still, and to me always will be, the party of elitism in every form: the party of racism, slavery, homophobia, chauvinism, anti-feminism, classism.

To finish with a quote from Charles Darwin, "I would not be a Tory, if it was merely on account of their cold hearts."

tories, cameron, politics

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