Title: Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Author: schwarmerei1
Rating: M
Fandom: The Good Wife
Characters: Alicia Florrick, Kalinda Sharma
Pairing: Alicia/Kalinda
Warnings: Sex between women, swearing, excessive alcohol, Naomi Wolf's thoughts
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect, CBS, Scott Free, and the Kings own them
Spoilers: Through episode 4:10 “Battle of the Proxies”
Author’s Note: This was based on a prompt (long, long ago) from
variousflumps about what a tragedy it was that Alicia and Kalinda never sat around and discussed Alicia’s present from her mother, and additionally from
sweetjamielee that booze should be involved and that Kalinda’s vagina could fix 80% (or more) of Alicia Florrick’s problems. Bizarrely Emily Nussbaum deserves a mention too, since it was her many hilarious tweets of reviews of the book that inspired me to read so many of them and led to my conception of Kalinda’s rant. Most of Kalinda’s objections are blatantly stolen from Germaine Greer’s excoriating review of same. Thanks go to
hotladykisses for providing an extensive back-and-forth on this one, and also to Kiki for answering questions of canon anytime, anywhere.
Finally Naomi Wolf’s “Vagina: A New Biography” does something useful!