Hormones (something new and interesting, huh?)

Mar 12, 2006 01:25

Hello. This isn't a very fascinating thing to post, so I apologise for being a cliche, but I'm about to start on the boobsstopmegoingbaldstopepilatingmychestcanihavesoftskinnowandwillmyfacechangeatall pills soon and I was wondering how much they affected people at first?

I have a lot of exams this summer (well, within about a month of starting) and I don't want to be bursting into tears at the sight of an invigilator. I appreciate that may be a female stereotype or whatever else, but I'm already quite an emotional person and I was wondering whether I'm going to become even worse once I start on them. And if I'm going to wake up the next day with really, really sore nipples and a bad attitude.

questions, hormones

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