Jan 16, 2015 23:01
1. oh those little things women do when they stand really close - touch each other's clothing - to get the little feather out and to feel the softness of (quietly, softly, a murmur) veeehl - veeht, and (louder, more extravagant-like, and deeper) caaashmere. And oh those pearls, are they real pearls (never ask, shows you're of lower caste) just think to yourself: oh my they are real pearls, and say "dear, I need to fix those, you put them on a little ....." And she takes off string by string, and her grimace of conceit unwinds as the other's neck becomes naked, till it is just silly admiration, for a second she forgets that she took it off the other's neck to rearrange it. She puts it back on, string after string, almost the same way it was before.
And "oh, you look so lovely with that color, your hair is just lovely," and the answer is "thank you so much (that's louder) and I must change it (softer, almost under breath)
and oh he was so right, IS, Rosenbaum, she's a college student but she looks like a little dall. a little girl dall.
it is definitely "them" and "us" now bc these pretty little things were going on and on before I approached my seat across and sat down, and suddenly silence, stifled embarassed giggles
- that's ok. I'm hard of hearing. - you say, but only one of them, the retrospective one, laughs.
2. I love watching Jewish people talk. Those karate moves we make with our hands, or are they woodoo incantations? There she forms her thumb and pointer into a ring that flies up like smoke from ancient Indian chief's pipe, only to land on the company as claws of a swift hawk. In one sentence he hugs the whole world and then pushes it away - to get a little space. Israel is used to conversing with Him casually, without recruiters, directly and obcenely on the verge of lacking awe. But He's so stubborn to answer sometimes. A Hebrew must use all his might, all his body. So, out of habit perhaps, when he forms his words, his facial muscles, biceps, triceps, and fine motoric come into action. I love watching Jewish people talk.
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