Aug 22, 2010 23:05
Months ago I said this was the only place I could connect the dots between "Mad Men" and "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Ah, but tonight's episode! Young Sally, Betty and Don Draper's daughter, is caught red-handed (so to speak) overcome by Illya in "The Hong Kong Shilling Affair." This would have been March of 1965 and I don't recall (also) at the time connecting the dots between him and my feelings for him. Sally and I would have been about the same age. I don't recall parents or parental substitutes having a clue way back then. They were not around and involved the way parents are today. The term "generation gap" existed then but does not so now. Still, I enjoyed Illya creating such drama even if I found it a bit false like many of the "Mad Men" memories. They got it somewhat correct. Mostly I enjoyed seeing MFU on "Mad Men" and I wonder when these Beatles-types will start appearing at the ad agency, when we will feel the times are 'a changin'.